Saturday 14 September 2024

Music deer...

I just happened to be wandering about the graveyard at the rear of the Congregational church this afternoon when I spied this deer at the far side.  I thought I had caught her leaving a mark, but if you look closely, she is giving birth.  Considering this was what she was doing, I remained at a distance taking a few shots, it is unusual to see such a deer in these parts, and watched.  Roebuck deer, those with a loud doglike bark, have been around for years, but this looks more like the Bambi type to me.  I wandered a few feet away and when I returned she and whatever she had with her had gone.

I had ventured quietly into the graveyard as it is usually quiet and if you stand still long enough nature moves about.  In fact, a squirrel came running around the corner, stopped suddenly, looked up at me and hastened back the way he had come.  However, he and a couple of magpies were playing about at the far side and I managed to catch this shot of one.  I'm not sure if he noticed me.

I had wandered over to the park, as opposed to having a snooze after lunch, because a Skateboard activity was on today.  Naturally, the Punk Band, and I mean 'Punk,' played right outside my house!  Next week, the environment men will get a wee note from me!  

Deep Purple, Cream, Jimi Hendrix, and AC/DC had music along with the noise, that's what made them great!  Each track was different, inventive, had a purpose.  This lot had one note, and a very loud not at that, and a loud, if you excuse the word, singer at the front.  At no time did we notice any words.
Anyway, most of the kids enjoyed it, the man from the Essex Fire Brigade stand informed me of his two paracetamol tablets after this group finished, and much more action occurred, in an organised way later.
By six pm the music, by this time 'rave' music, that is music with a needlessly deep base and little else, finished, now we have peace.


  1. Things like that make you want to open the windows and play Wagner at top volume...then go out for the day.

  2. Very nice deer and magpie pictures, and a beautiful one of the sky. The band, though, are not so beautiful!

  3. Jenny, 'Beautiful' was not a word associated with the band...


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