Wednesday 3 July 2024

Fall for Haggis


Some people, especially in England that colonial empire building nation that lives in a delusion of grandeur, some people do not believe that the Haggis is a wild creature found only in Scotland.  I am pleased to see that some nature lovers have gone out to prove them wrong.  
Haggis cultivation was something the farming side of the family undertook, though as they were mostly border farmers there were few such creatures to be found around Duns.  The shearing for the wool was indeed an art, I believe one of the Fife coal miners used to do this after working a shift down the pit.
It was not done in Edinburgh, the Morningside lassies thought such things beneath them.

What with overdoing things recently and ending up unable to walk, or indeed cross the room without holding on to furniture, my life is really blessed.  It is indeed, especially today when I managed to make it to Sainsburys and back.  I was pleased.  While I had run out of everything I did manage by baking biscuits as there was no bread, and enjoy a variety of Green Tea, as there was no milk.  I was happy and content in spite of it all. 
Today, I thought I must try and make the shop just to ensure I can make it as I must wander the long way round tomorrow and enter my vote against the present MP and hopefully see him fall.  He has lost much support in recent days and has been striving hard to be noticed this week.  At least one man noticed him and gave him a bollocking!  Hopefully the blue tick people will show their contempt by remaining indoors or voting for the Reform man, that will reduce his chances.  
Then I can pop over to visit Tesco to gather the things I avoided getting today as that would have been to much to carry.  
Well, I may not bother with Tesco, as when I retuned happily from Sainsburys I fell flat on my face, damaged an arm, got several bruises and muscle strains that will be working themselves out tomorrow, and maybe the PTSD will have gone by then.  
Isn't life good!


  1. Oh no, I'm sorry that you fell! Can't you get groceries delivered? It might be a good idea to do that, for a while anyway.

  2. Yes, get your groceries delivered...though I'm not sure how much that costs now. Mother had to make a forty quid order for a cheap delivery.
    I hope someone will deliver you to the polling'll never forgive yourself if you don't vote to remove that chap!

  3. Kay, I'm sorry that I fell also! Shopping is OK however.

  4. Fly, I voted but he won anyway. Most disappointing.


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