Friday 7 June 2024

Tommy's Folly

Tommy Robinson is an individual who plays the English hero.  He claims to stand up for the working class white man who has been dealt badly by all these immigrants swarming into the land.  Of course he is not what he appears.
For a start he is the son of an Irish couple, and they are usually not very English.  His name is actually Yaxley-Lennon, and while pleading bankruptcy and poverty there are those who consider he is raking it in from foreign sources, though I of course cannot prove these allegations.
Having led a demonstration against the Palestinian demos, which included his riotous white working class neds clambering across the Cenotaph itself while he made off in a hurry, he has now made D-Day an opportunity to display his AI skills.
This was posted on Twitter, and has of course done the rounds considerably more than he could have wished, while revealing his lack of AI ability and his inability to understand how to invade a beach.
Most men on D-Day came off the landing craft and headed onto the beach and then attempted to make their way inland.  Tommy's men appear to be heading out into the sea!  Naval types will indicate the ships in the picture do not fit the day either.  All indicative of Tommy and his men's approach to facts I say.  
Note also, these men are US troops, not British!


  1. If that's AI then all I can say that it is certainly A but equally certainly not I.

  2. Fly, Little 'I' in AI these days.

  3. My background is almost entirely military and none of my relatives would have a moment for Tommy Robinson. The evil Reform party candidate who said we should have made friends with Hitler would have quietly and permanently removed by the real Tommies that were risking their lives to stop Fascism coming to the UK.

  4. Jenny, Indeed, there are not many ex-servicemen among Tommy's ranks.


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