Friday 10 May 2024

Friday Fun?

It is window opening time again.  The bees are gathering somewhere near here as one or two are making their way in.   The sun has brought them out, and naturally next week, once they are all up for work, the rain will return and wipe them out again.  Such a shame really.  Global warming has produced some floods in Africa and China, but for the most part politicians just ignore this and seek to keep their jobs and the backhanders from oil companies.  The rivers and seas flooded with sewage by private water companies increasing their bonuses will no doubt attract many, though once the rain comes they will be taken away by the increased flow.  Farmers are allowed to use pesticides banned by the EU, which are harmful to Bees, which makes me wonder which Tory lackey has been getting the franchise for that.

I have been getting blocked when attempting to use 'Georgia Girl with an English Heart's page as I get this 'URL: Blacklist' warning.  This comes when a site has Malware, Phishing or such like upon it, usually from outside, and I think can be cleared by running the usual anti-malware/virus stuff.  I hope so as this annoys me and means I canny get onto the page.  'HubSpot' explains in more detail.


  1. And here, thanks to the electricity board relying on hydropower and their lakes being a bit short of the H2O we are to have rolling power cuts.Thanks to the Green terrorists who oppose geothermal as the installations would be in the National Parks which surround, guess what.....volcanoes.They are quite happy to remove indigenous people from their land to build dams- that's O.K.
    We are supposed to check the electricity board's website against our meter number to see when we will be without power....did so, to see no power cuts mentioned, but there is a sinister remark that it would be well to check regularly 'in case of change'. We have solar mainly but depend on the current for the showers and the bread we shall be taking showers tomorrow in the hope of being whiter than the whitewash on the wall and the bread dough is proving even now....

  2. Fly, Every time you mention the situation I see lots of posts awaiting for you. The power system there is less secure than ours but much more fun. It was a bit like that when I came out here. The power would switch off for no reason, then return. Much cash was spent improving things as the growing town could not cope as it was. Rarely fails now.

  3. After two successive nights of pouring rain the electricity board has changed its mind. No power cuts....but decided on a day to day basis....
    Poor Podge the French bulldog had a nasty shock...she likes to splash about in the ducks' pond. After the first night of rain she shot off for her morning dip, leapt in and disappeared. Reappeared, snorting with fury and leapt out again.....sulked all morning. This morning she investigated first...and decided against.

  4. Fly, Poor Podge! Clearly not happy!


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