Monday 13 May 2024

Blackbird Singing

This fine fellow has just been entertaining me with his song.  Just on six in the evening and he is calling to all the world that this is his patch, and if any women are looking for something to do tonight I'm free.  
The Blackbird song is one of the best in the UK.  We hear it throughout the year but especially in Spring and Summer, it speaks of warmth and happiness.  I am led to understand only the male sings but this could be wrong.  Blackbirds are found all over Europe and the song is well known, we often see them on high branches benefiting the world.  
The song can adapt as I may have mentioned before.  Round the corner a couple went on holiday leaving the house in the control of a decorator.  No doubt he done a good job however, they have an alarm system, a well to do house, and the trouble the man had trying to set the alarm before going home was quite comical.  All around could hear the alarm, off and on, off and on, before he done the job.  The siren noise emitted was of a specific note, we knew it well by the end of the week. 
In those days I was leaving the house at 4:30 in the morning passing the early morning police dawn patrol with weary officers usually.  As I turned the corner it was usual for he Blackbird in the nest in the first tree to sing out, this was quickly followed by a Robin at the far end.  By the time I got half way down the noise was terrific as every bird of whatever type was now awake.  The interesting this at that time was how many birds now included their version of the siren alarm!  It was quite clear and their appreciation of the painters problems noticeable.  


  1. I loved the birds incorporating the alarm in their morning chorus!

  2. Ah, the dawn chorus! It is one of my favorite memories of my times in England.
    (Sorry, I have never been to Scotland.)
    We once heard a mockingbird imitate a car alarm. Funny thing, that sweet bird even made it more melodic! We saw one just today chasing a cat away from its nest. It does that you know! It divebombs them and man, that cat ran like crazy! I love birds.

  3. I've just got a great app on my phone called MERLIN. It helps you identify birdsong. I sometimes wonder if birds imitate other birds and that confuses things. There is certainly more to birdsong than I thought at first!

  4. Fly, Birds pick up noises easily. They must do this in Costa.

    Kay, Yes the birds call copy all sorts of noises. A cat is easy meat to an angry bird.
    I still canny get on to your site because of a virus. You must run anti virus on there.

    Jenny, I think birds react to whatever is around them, picking up all calls and rendering them in their own style. Bird song is a wide variety. They say UK bird song is better than others but birds abroad have more colour. Whether this is true I know not.


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