Monday 8 April 2024

Transistor Radio

Noting a transistor radio on here I was immediately transported back in time to listening to Radio Luxemburg on a Sunday night while bathing before the week ahead.  Listening also to one of these, usually someone else's, at the football trying to discover the results of other games that day.  What an invention, cheap, reliable, mostly, and enables the user to wander the streets annoying the public with loud music they hated.
My brother thought he was clever and bought a kit to make one for himself, I think the bits lay about for years.  Relatively cheap, they fitted into the pocket, offered a earphone to prevent others listening in, and abounded in time.
Radio's, with better quality, soon followed.  Everybody had one, all kids had one, on their beds usually, while searching out new radio stations, often situated on the seas nearby.  Eventually the BBC was modernised and Radio One came into being, playing better music than before.  I doubt it is better music now.  
The only downside was the ability of some to pay their battery powered music at high volume outside.
There were heard in parks, on beaches, and being thrown through windows by less than happy temporary neighbours.  Being trendy is not always popular.
I wonder how many of these things still lie about folks houses?


  1. I listened to the Test matches from abroad in the winter, tucked up in bed. The atmospheric screeches took some standing, mark you.

  2. Fly, I used to love listening to radio stations from afar off in days past, the way the signal would rise and fall is now history.


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