Sunday 24 March 2024

Palm Sunday 2024

Psalm Sunday.

I dragged myself out this morning, far from willingly I must say, as I was feeling the lack of foodstuffs, the diet losing weight but not feeding me well.  
Many greeted me, the women offering hugs, the men distain.  
Back to normal then.
I was glad to be there, various things had hindered me for a while, and Psalm Sunday is one of the major events in the year.  The Anglican lot have many 'feast days' and memorials to various people, many of whom are better forgotten in my view, and Palm Sunday, Easter and Christmas are three that must be remembered.  
Unfortunately, today coincided with what they call 'All Together Sunday.'  This began when many kids were around, fewer today, and instead of a proper Palm Sunday the man in charge brought along people working among 'youth.'  
'Hooray' thought I.
Now the work they do is tremendous, speaking for Jesus in schools, clubs and so on everywhere, and they offer what appears to be a proper Jesus to the young, though why she called the 'children' when they are teens I fail to understand.  Luckily, when the speakers spoke, my mind was so tired I failed to concentrate and missed the practicalities, including the news of lack of cash.  
While this spoiled things for me, others were encouraged so it was not all bad.
I was glad to be there, to speak to one or two, and listen to others gabbing away.
I failed to join in the 'march' around the church waving my palm branch, as you may expect, but many did parade happily.  The CoE member is easily pleased.  The tambourine's and shakers on offer also missed me when handed out.  
I did not manage to avoid getting my tea mind.


  1. What did they use for palms?

  2. Fly, We use these strange cross things. Mass produced somewhere, probably in the middle east.


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