Thursday 22 February 2024


Daffodil season is upon us once again.  In the gloom caused by ongoing rainstorms we see the council daffs beginning to emerge and brighten the greenery opposite.  Soon grasping young mums will be encouraging their kids to steal them to brighten their homes.  Most will claim they cannot afford the £1 required in Tesco's!   
I bought one bunch from Sainsburys, these however failed to produce properly.  On Tuesday I bought a large bunch of three tied together, some, as you can see, have begin to respond correctly, others are dubious, and the third lot remain staring mournfully at the window.  We will soon see what will happen.  
I like the bright yellow flowers on the desk, it is a cheery sight, especially on dreich days like this, and comparatively cheap, though clearly the shops will be making a packet from them.

Lindsey Hoyle, the Speaker of the House, has been apologising and offering talks and debates after last nights gamesmanship.  The SNP and some 49 MPs of various colours, have signed a 'Motion of No Confidence in the Speaker,' and will no doubt try and bring this to the House.
A shambolic night, and with a shambolic Tory government who ran away when Sunak, like Starmer, saw he would lose a vote!  There can be no doubt that the SNP were suffering a racist backlash from the English colonialists also.  

On the subject of Scotland as a colony, I had a Twitter fight with a man from Aberdeen who disagreed.  The fact he flew a Union flag, supported Rangers, and lived in Aberdeen, made me realise he had little History knowledge, in spite of the word 'History' being on his intro.  As it turned out his history knowledge was not very good, written by some English Historian, and wilted when I offered him the list of bribes paid to the Scottish Lords.  Sadly, many Rangers fans believe in 'Britain,' instead of Scotland simply because their football team tells them to.  Those indoctrinated by the armed forces have similar outlooks.  History knowledge is still poor, there is so much we do not know, and the subject is not taught well enough, though needless things are,  and leaves the way for decent History programmes on the BBC, but their unionist owners would not allow this. 


  1. Why dogs should sleep on our beds? They insist.
    I used to order narcissi and daffs from a farm in the Scilly Isles for my mother...they were remarkable cheap, even including the postage, and lasted for ages.

    Problematic vote for our dear M.P.s....threatened with 'consequence' if they did not vote for a ceasefire, risking losing the Israeli bribes if they did! Oh what a dilemma!

  2. Fly, Yes dogs make up their own minds. I often get flowers from 'Bunches,' from Mansfield, for my sister. There was another site, I think in Jersay, but the link has gone.
    Yes, difficult to manage money in the House.

  3. These were the people

  4. Fly, I don't know that one, but I will keep the link...


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