Monday 12 February 2024


There can be no doubt that there is a coup underway.  The question is who is behind it?  Is it Putin, or some group of US Billionaires?  Not that there is much difference.  It most likely may be they are all working independently in the same direction, complete control of society in their favour.
Steve Bannon is one man heavily involved here.  Touring the world and mixing with Trump and Putin, Boris and Victor Orban the Hungarian leader, he has followed the age old system of lying and pointing the finger 'over there' to divide the nations and pander to the wild populist vote.  
Politicians are scared of this, though not the ones who jump on the bandwagon.
In the US Trump, in spite of all the abuse of women, theft, mad ravings and complete deceit, might well obtain enough votes from the sheep to become president again.  What does this say about US politics?  Underneath lie the same policies of Putin, and those who in the UK have looked for and found a zombie able to front their policies, Liz Truss.  Boris was their man but he shot himself in the foot too often to remain.  However, he might return yet, unless Liz can stop this.  
Behind them all lie policies that remove worker protection, cut wages, cut the power of judges one way or another, break through all democratic safeguards,  and enable the rich elite to remain the rich elite, keeping the workers down as they have done so often before.
Yet, where is the public rising up to create about this?
The 'man in the street' either does not comprehend, does not know, or does not care, but foolishly considers an election will soon occur in which he can have a voice.  The election will occur, but first there might be a 'Reichstag' moment to allow 'a state of emergency' being introduced!
Poland has shown the way to overcome this, but it took a while and the media in the UK cannot be trusted, nor will it oppose what the owners support.  Poland threw out their dictators, will the US and UK do the same?


  1. After the local elections here, by the rate of abstention - 67% - I think that the man in the street realises full well that you can elect whom you like, but it will be another face of the same coin.
    What it will take for people in the U.K. to react to the fall in living standards, the number of children going hungry, the benefits propping up bad employers I really do not know.

  2. Fly, Far too many will continue to vote as they always have. Yesterday my daft nephew posted something about 'Boat People.' My response got some replies from his friends, all Tommy Robinson fans, and it was clear they had little info, no answers, and followd whatever the 'Sun' said. These are the people Sunak and Truss etc are fighting over, these are the kind who support Trump. A newspaper item claimed the 'less intelligent voted for Brexit,' and this was correct.


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