Sunday 31 December 2023


Hobbling down to the Kirk this morning I was impressed by the bright sun dazzling me.  Had it not been for the cold air I would have thought it summer brightness, however, wrapped up in my big coat, flat cap on flat head, I knew it was December.  
No fox running across me this morning at this spot, one or two dogs grinning as they headed towards the parks, a few miserable faces passed by, almost forcing me to say 'Happy new Year,' just for spite.
However, I refrained.  We ought not to say this until the stroke of the midnight bells, though the English adoption of Hogmanay has brought changes here.

The Kirk was quiet today.  No kids at all, few adults, possibly they are all preparing for midnight, possibly they have indulged, possibly the last week has just worn them out.  My attention was poor, I forgot to eat before going out, and the man rambled a wee bit.  However, the talk is on video tonight, hopefully, and I will hear it again.  I may wait until tomorrow.  No lift home, a stroll through the sun, now hiding behind clouds, and noticed how quiet the streets still are.  Just wait until Tuesday when they all return.  

Bright news from the Netherlands where an enterprising young man obtained 75kg of fireworks.  Great fun for all!  Unfortunately he smokes.  On his way home he smoked a cigarette and at the end threw this out the window.  However, the wind brought it back into the car, started a fire, and within seconds fireworks were going off everywhere!  His Volvo is I suspect a right off.

The last sundown of the year, seen through my grubby window, was a good one.  2023 has not been the best year, but not the worst either.  Years come and years go but if we keep in with Jesus all will be well.  

1 comment:

  1. With a bit of luck the dogs will not be too worried by the fireworks as the mountain is between us and the town.
    I did enjoy the tale of woe from the Netherlands.....


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