Saturday 28 October 2023

Xmas Shopping Already

I have done some preliminary online searching, too early to actually buy things, and also accidentally ordered some books for myself.  These things happen.  At one and the same time I am attempting to live a more frugal life while searching for 'shiny things' for others Xmas.  This I find awkward.  Less will be spent this year than last, and more basic things will be obtained, after the complaints last time!  
This morning, having returned from Sainsburys I waited until the stalls were out to take a look at the magnificent market today.  I wandered about, pausing only to buy sausages and bits of chicken from the proper butcher, and carried my expensive load around the stalls, successfully buying nothing.
This was because almost all the goods on display, mostly hand made, were not in anyway connected to what I desired.  In fact the one stall I looked for, he sells old toys, cars in boxes, and odd stuff, was not there today.  Possibly in jail for handling stolen goods, like old toys, cars in boxes and odd stuff I expect.
I limped home slowly, sorted the meat into bags and filled the freezer.  No more pies bar the yuckie  supermarket ones now.  Butchers sausages at least will be healthier than those mass produced.  I asked the girls if they had gone out to find the 'wild mushrooms' in the 'wild mushroom and other spicy stuff' sausages.  'Yes,' they said, 'We went searching through the week for them.'  Liars!
Now, with the 'Clintons' card shop closed I have to search for cards also.  I despise W. H. Smiths, a terrible shop, and avoid it when I can, but no other shop here offers decent cards.  One offers cheap tat and rude cards, but they are rarely funny or worth the cash.  I may just make my own.  Fold an A4 sheet with a pattern on it and use that.  Cheap and easy.  


  1. A friend in London seems to find good cards. I'll ask her where she finds them.
    The chinese tat is in the shops here and I saw the first decorated Christmas tree yesterday, on the porch of a house on the way into town.

  2. Fly, Set fire to the tree!


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