Sunday 10 September 2023

Sabbath, what...?

I could have done with on of these today, the walk down the road in the sun appeared to go on for ever.  Being still deaf in one ear was a problem, but during the service it helped!  I am never sure of what P is going on about and not hearing half of what said helped.  
When J spoke the same happened, however, I can hear him again on the video tonight.  I wonder what he said...?
Warm and muggy now, thunder in the far distance, and people preparing to complain about the cold weather now.  A thunderstorm here might clear the air and water the dry ground.  The rain might help clean my windows again. 
So, there is nothing to do now but watch football, read books and retire to sleep.
This is not a  waste of a day, on the contrary it has been very positive in many ways, and as hearing is slowly returning I am quite happy.
Of course, being by the seaside would help...

Edward William Cooke - Vesuvius, Catalan and Paranzella 1847


  1. I looked up that painter, Edward William Cooke. Not only was he a painter but he also loved gardens, he designed one in....oh forgot where it was, somewhere in England that I have never been! One of his friends named a snake after him!

  2. Glad that hearing is returning....and thanks for another maritime scene.

  3. Kay, A snake oif a painter?

    Fly, Pardon...?


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