Thursday 10 August 2023



This short, and very acceptable story of one female witch and her trial, is well worth a view.
Research by the University of Edinburgh claims that some 4000 people, mostly female, were tried for witchcraft.  Witchcraft was between 1563 - 1736 a capital offence in Scotland.  'Scots Law' is of course very different from the 'Law of England & Wales.'  At least 1500 were executed, strangled then burnt, and the conditions in prison were toxic, brutality and disease widespread.   

At first glance it is tempting to regard this as the beliefs of an ignorant people.  However, King James VI & I also took to investigating such activities.  It is said that he was on a ship that encountered a storm, this, for reasons unknown, he put down to a 'witches curse.'  Personally I reckon a storm of the coast of Scotland is something to expect, rather than blame on witches, by that is only my thought.  James took this so seriously he produced a book on the subject and participated in witch trials at one point himself. It took a while before he lost interest in the subject.
But James was an educated man, he considered himself an academic.  At one point he had begun to translate the Bible into Scots, and later forced a full translation once based in London.  This was not an ignorant man from the backwoods, yet he took this 'witches' thing seriously.
A glance at a bible concordance will show the number of mentions regarding 'witches' as no more than a handful.  Various translations of course may vary, but 'witches,' 'mediums,' and 'spiritists,' are often lumped together in one section.  All are condemned, the reader is informed to beware of them and avoid them at all costs.  Once in the 'Promised Land,' the people of Israel were told to evict such as they, and if found later to destroy them.  
The New Testament merely informs the saints to avoid contact with such people.  This, in a superstitious Roman society that contained many, of various kinds, that were very popular and found on many a street corner.  
The reason is clear, both then and now, either these people are frauds lying to their hearers, or possess a supernatural power of demonic origin.  Jesus finished work on the cross defeated Satan and his demons, however, he still has space on this earth to manifest his work both quietly, like an angel of light, or publicly through witches and mediums.  The purpose is clear, these are all meant to turn the hearer away from the cross of Christ and salvation, which is found nowhere else.  

The society around us today contains many who are more than willing to follow such offers, most who have little bible understanding, or indeed concern for bible understanding, are well open to manifestations of supernatural power.  
Imagine Scotland in the 1600s.  The reformation had encouraged reading, so individuals could understand the 'Word of God,' yet, when someone falls into a coma, or an unexpected illness arrives the cry 'witch' appears, and people in village and town go looking for a suitable candidate.
It appears women, young and old, were usually designated 'witch,' because they were different from the crowd.  This could be their age, their chosen way of life, a blemish, or if they had some hindrance such a mental 'slowness' or epilepsy.  Possibly mere jealousy from those around them could single them out.  We know how 'catty' women can be to one another.  The economic conditions, or the plague passing through, long lasting bad weather, all could contribute to a desire for an easy fix to the world around people, so a witch has to be found.
It is of course also possible some of these women were indeed working with evil arts, but few wish to accept this today.   

How did an educated people, well versed in scripture accept such a widespread belief in witches?  As stated scripture mentions them, mostly in passing as it were.  The real message is for people, individually and together, to worship the Living God, Jesus, who died for your sins, and avoid all that hinders knowing him.  That I can tell you is life indeed!  

We in the UK have a society that has lost its centre.  Liberal thinking has continued into the absurd, where men can call themselves women because they say so, perversion of all sorts is regarded as normal, when it clearly is not, and a lack of central authority that seeks what is right for the nation has ended.  Boris, under Farage tuition, has created a divide, removed the lax boundaries that until recently held firm, and allowed concern for doing what is right to end, so some can get wealthy.  
"Where there is no revelation, people cast off restraint; but blessed is the one who heeds wisdom’s instruction." Pr 29:18.
It took until 1736 for the law to change banning witch-hunts, and only then when the needless Union of Parliaments had occurred, though the scare had fallen away quite a bit by this time.  Today society pretends witches do not exist, or are harmless, how wrong they are, while with-hunts of various kinds arise and fall constantly, among a people with no vision, no solid place on which to stand.  
I stand of Jesus and his work, there is no solid base elsewhere.  


  1. I think in certain circles voting for Brexit or refusing the Covid jab would have you marked down as a scapegoat for the nation's ills while child mutilation seems to be a protected area...

  2. Fly, Indeed! We all need an enemy to blame.


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