Friday 18 August 2023

Serving the Colours


I was interested in Jenny's forefathers, at least the ones who served in the British Army.  Until well after the second world war there was often no other opportunity for an unemployed young man than enlisting as a 'sodger!'  Of course many joined the Royal Navy or Merchant Navy in similar circumstances, but reliable long term work was not always easy to obtain, nor to keep.  So, for many soldiering was a choice.  It gave a regular wage (10 shillings a week or so in 1914), a uniform as clothes were expensive, and the opportunity to see the world, a world that would remain unseen otherwise.
Those in work could count on a day or so holiday in some jobs, a weeks leave was possible but usually unpaid, unless you were in a clerical role, and wandering around the world was only for the wealthy.
So, in 1925, unable to find work, my father and his mate next door wandered up to the recruiting office.  
'How old are you?' asked the sergeant.
'18,' They replied.
'Go for a walk around the block, and come back when you are 19,' suggested the sergeant.
A short while later the pair returned.
'How old are you,' gruffed the sergeant.
'19,' they replied.
'Sign here.'
And they were in.
Well not exactly.  The MO, the doctor, decided my dad's mate had flat feet and rejected him, so my dad found himself alone in the 2nd Battalion the Kings Own Scottish Borderers,' for 7 years and 3 in reserve.
Within a year he was sending postcards from Egypt, where he climbed the pyramids, then Hong Kong where hew as to lodge for 5 years.  A young man of his time would have been lucky to get a train to North Berwick or Glasgow for a holiday.  Railways enabled many to get out and about, but if paid 10-15 shillings a week then a 3'6d rail fair was a lot.  There again, where would the money for the day off come from?  
I suspect there was also the Imperialist propaganda at the back of his mind.  The UK had an Empire, we ruled the world, and he would see no problem at the time with dominating either the Chinese or the Indians he would meet much later.  He probably considered he was doing them good!  How times and ideas change in a hundred years.  


Was it 1961 my brother enlisted?  A very different time, a very differing mental outlook among the people.  The Empire remained, though it was breaking up fast.  People rejoiced in a time when 'they never had it so good,' and yet the draw of a service life, this time as a photographer in the RAF was tempting for many.   There was no 'walking round the block,' here, you enlisted at 19 or went away for a year.   National Service had ended, no conscription, so all this was voluntary, and my brother had no intention of slugging it out under bullying corporals in the army, so he joined the RAF.  Here, he found bullying corporals, but once passed the test he found intelligent men who were willing to work for the cause and have fun at the same time.  The RAF has always drawn in a more relaxed crowd, mostly middle class, and often technically minded.  This is something soldiering had little need for until the last 30 or so years.  Many young soldiers now have learned their job through online games rather than pub brawls.  Many enjoy both of course.
While dad kicked around the Chinese for a while and then tended to the hospital patients in India where he chose to be an orderly, Rob had a much more civilised time in Germany, Cyprus and what is now Dubai!  He also endured after 102% in the Gulf the pleasure of RAF Kinloss, where 102% only existed in your oven.  Whether he owned or stole the Royal Enfield bike I know not, but we never saw it. He did have a habit of acquiring shoddy vehicles.

The point that got my attention with Jenny's family is how so many were forced into the armed forces.  It was a take it or starve policy that many benefited from.  But how did this affect the children?  Some I know had family in RAF or diplomatic service and travelled across the world.  Some were dumped in Boarding schools, others on family members, or trudged around the world grabbing education here and there.  Was this good for them?  
I have to say it would have suited me in some ways,  constant change would enable me to leave behind things I did not like, as well as things I did like.  The experience of foreign places early in life, the warmth instead of the sold, different exotic foods, and possibly a less disciplined regime?  A Boarding School would have been awful, not that this would have been considered by our family, only the middle classes went there.  The main loss of constant moving would be the effect on the family.  If the family was good and able to keep together it could be a great time.  If it was troublesome or partings were forced this could be difficult for many.  Families are meant to be together.
I never enlisted, though my father often suggested I joined the Soviet Union army, for the sake of the country...


  1. My father, after active service, was posted to the War Ministry when I was seven, so I had only one change of school, but girls I knew in later life who had been moved from pillar to post as children said that the life out of school was great, seeing new places, but having to fit in to new schools all the time was a nightmare.
    Father, when exasperated with mother, had been known to say that the war would have been considerably shorter had she been seconded to the Wehrmacht....but not in her hearing.

  2. Fly, Changing scools would be awkward. But mum in the Wehrmacht...? Tee Hee.


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