Thursday 22 December 2022

Ironing Wine

This was my day.
Washing on, ironing on, downstairs to answer door, downstairs to answer door again, downstairs to throw out rubbish, not a moment to myself and my knees require peace and rest!  It's a good job I'm not one to complain.
Anyway, while planning my repast a knock on the door, well the next door actually.  My downstairs neighbour invited herself and her man up for a Christmas drink.  "See you in 30 minutes."

So, after a manic cleaning session, hiding the drying washing, pretending all else was normal, and ensuring glasses were washed, they arrived.  A bottle of wine and a card, and an hour or two of conversation which I enjoyed thoroughly.  We accidentally opened another bottle, and had they not got to go we may have accidentally opened another.  Altogether a very good evening chatting with neighbours I rarely see.  I was pleased with it all, I hope they were also.  Of course I gave them a bottle for their Christmas also!     
Unfortunately, while happy, I am losing interest in scribbling for some reason, the words dart about the screen.  Maybe I ought to do this happy stuff more often?  But that might lose my 'miserable old git' prize.  The man next door is well on the way to claiming it already.'  


  1. Sounds like a good evening with your neighbours.
    Have you found the washing yet?


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