Tuesday 20 December 2022

Christmas Wooly Angels


It is Christmas week and once again the great nits have been er, hold on, that should read 'Great Knitters' have been showing off their talents by knitting small angels and placing them on railings across the town.  This has become another of the many Christmas activities that we now must have, or the season loses something.  I note passers-by have taken all of them, one by one.  The post box has not been crowned with a Xmas hat as yet, at least not one near me anyway.  Other places have covered all sort so things with such needlework.  I suppose they enjoy it, they gather together, make friends, have a laugh and enjoy the hobby.  No harm in it.  I have not joined them however.

Christmas joy continues with Rishis refusing to budge on nurses pay.  I wonder why?  He will not interfere in the rail strike, apart from paying millions to the rail companies, and has ignored the postal strike, as far as we know.  Clearly they are out to ensure leaving the EU meant making the most of turning workers into serfs.  Rishi would like this, I suspect he considers himself a Maharajah.  
Jeremey Clarkson has encouraged stripping Meghan and parading her through the streets, but he has mumbled an apology, far down the Mail Online.  
Ambulance staff are striking, at least those not worn out by exhaustion, as indeed the nurses striking have been.  The millionaires with their private health hospitals care not.
People are watching prices rise, the water people have just increased by monthly bill to £19, I suspect to pay for all the dumping sewage fines they have received.  Gas and electric rises will come in a couple of months. 
My latest pie delivery arrived in time for Christmas.
Nicola meanwhile is trying to allow men in skirts to be called 'women.'  This is another of the satanic episodes that have been unleashed in recent years in the UK, and indeed elsewhere in the 'west.'
First it was accepting gays, then same-sex marriage, now it is 'trans.'  We are plumbing new depths of lunacy in the nation.  The churches which have failed to oppose this are dying out, those who follow scripture will grow but face constant opposition, much of this from the police, who are now the 'Thought police' in the UK.  I almost said 'Stasi.'
Christians must be aware this will increase, and soon prayer and Christian activities will be 'hate crimes.'  I have mentioned this before, but few are listening.


  1. Just wonder what kind of idiots pinch those knitted things, but perhaps it makes them feel festive or something. I don't really suppose they would last for long in our weather and polluted cities if they were not taken away, so perhaps that is the point of them, to sprad a bit of happiness amongst thieves. .

  2. What a super video and such lovely music.
    Can't think what good parading Meghan through the streets would do, either clothed or naked...she has an expression fit to turn milk at the best of times.
    You have pies, curse you! I still can't get that pastry right....

  3. Jenny, They are meant to be taken. The girls put them out annually, and at Easter also. It is a gift for passers-by to take.

    Fly, Good music indeed.


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