Saturday 24 December 2022

Christmas Eve 2022

At this time of year there are lots of tinsel covered cards doing the rounds.  The religious ones tend to feature a baby in a wooden crib, crowned with a yellow halo, as indeed are the loving parents featured beside.  Three men dressed in ornate robes, presents in hand stand along side a handful of grubby shepherds carrying a lamb or two.  From the child a glow emits, lighting up the stable and much of the world around, while high above a bright, huge, star glints as it lingers in the cloudless sky.  A touching scene, much loved by many.
However, (the cynical bit begins here) this is not what happened.
Certainly we are told Mary and Joseph went to Bethlehem, certainly we are told there was no room at the 'Inn.' Clearly there was little money for this pair as Joseph could not bribe his way in.  The implication of a 'manger' implies they found rest, either recommended by the 'Inn' or by themselves in a stable.  Clearly also they remained there for some time, all this with Shepherds and Magi may not have taken place in one night, so they had permission from someone to remain there.  Later, on the eighth day Jesus was presented at the Temple, the offering they gave was the cheapest, another indication of poverty.  A young couple, she possibly 14, he only 20, trying to care for a child, yet without revealing Gods words to anyone.  They both come across as worthy individuals.  
This is not the picture we have on Christmas cards.  This is a struggle, similar to many since and at this moment, who bring a child into the world with little resources with which to keep him.  This one however, under the care of the Father God is born, after a long walk for Mary, no donkey for these two, and born in such wretched conditions.  Unlike most in leadership Jesus started at the very bottom, and he was the one through whom this world had been created!  The mother walking, nine months gone, from Nazareth to Bethlehem, up hill and down dale.  Finding nowhere to sleep, giving birth in a stable, with or without animals.  At least they would create warmth, and an interesting atmosphere.  Alone, only the visit from the shepherds and the Magi is recorded, possibly Joseph went out to obtain food, possibly the stable owner cared for them while tending any animals.  Then the presentation in the temple, the words from an old man and an old woman indicating the future, in a distinct manner, and then the warning to leave for Egypt and another long walk carrying the child this time. 
No halo's, no false sentiment, just the Father's provision, childbearing, walking and an interesting future both Joseph and Mary were leaving in Gods hands.  How would you cope?
The child went on to learn his dads business, to learn his people's history, and to teach for three years before being arrested, tried unjustly, beaten, scourged and crucified, while having committed no sin.  He did not die by mistake, he, God in human form, accepted the Father's will as a way of paying the sin debt of all.  He endured this for me, for you, and for all who would believe it.  Not much sentiment there, just a loving God dying for his people, and one that wants us to believe him and rest in him.  He will never fail us.

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