Monday 7 November 2022

Tech Troubles

This has been as bright as my day has been today.
Stumbling back across the park from Sainsburys, I went for bread and milk and spent over £14!  How did that happen?  Anyway, attempting to be quiet as the woman downstairs was working from home this week, I found I had to make two phone calls.  This, as you know, is because of my landline fault.
After dozing working most of the morning on watching railway cab rides I decided to act.
So, after lunch and a snooze I got down to business.
I called PayPal after finding details on Twitter.  Details which just took me back to where I started and so after a while I got the phone number and called.
A man's voice, but not a human man, answered!
So began the questions, number, name , account, and the problem is?
After more faffing around and not getting this static voice to understand I gave up!
Steam came from my ears, tears from my eyes, and the woman downstairs took the dog out to get away from my whimpering cries.  Nothing I said made sense to the box ticking voice.  He did however, offer to renew my password, though as I canny log in this will not work, and he did not understand that I could not log in!!!  (enter red angry emoji here)
I sat, glancing at the whisky bottle, too far to reach and too early.
I returned to the mobile.
I contacted PlusNet, re the phone, once again.  This has been held back by my sloth and slight bug that bothers me.  However, well within the 20 minutes, an ADVISOR with a north American accent called.  This human being (take note PayPal) done a quick check, kept me informed, in spite of my obvious stupidity, and passed the deal to the engineers.  It may be my fault will be fixed in 48 hours and if not something will happen to check it out.
What a great ADVISOR he was, and I was keen to inform him of the difference between PlusNet and PayPal here.  Excellent service and hopefully a success.
Now, as darkness creeps towards us, the lightened clouds begin to darken, the wind pretends it is dying down and the branches begin to shiver as leaves flutter downwards, I am almost at peace.  

David Roberts

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