Friday 4 November 2022

Friday Frills

Once the early morning mist cleared this boy sat high up among the leafless branches taking in the sunshine.  Weak though it was at the time it must have been worth waiting for.  This Magpie may have been watching for the sun but he was certainly watching for anything that glitters also.  Magpies are notorious for thieving bright shining items, though they never find any in my house.  It is quite unusual to see him there, I think too many Crows live in the park opposite for him to hang around here.  I have seen them further away down the slope that leads to the river that runs through the town.  The trees there may be where they roost.
Another strange creature flew over the house a week or two ago, some form of Harrier I think, but my little book of birds did not have a picture that exactly fitted what I saw flashing over me.  It is great to be amongst so many wild creatures, and when I can get out of town I would like to sit in a warm park somewhere attempting to see more.   

It has all quietened down on the politics front, apart from Suella taking a £10,000 Chinook ride to visit a concentration camp for asylum seekers.  That appears OK with Rishi.  All things appear OK to Rishi, if he can keep his job and not be stabbed in the back by the ERG.  
New taxes, none it appears on Rishi's wife however, and the non-dom status for billionaires remains, including Rishi's wife.  How convenient.  
Starmer is still huffing and puffing.

Nothing else except WWIII outside as fireworks fill the sky and the stink fills the house.  November the 5th is the date that matters, tomorrow that is, and those with no idea who King James VI & I was will happily try to burn down their house in celebration of the failure to burn down parliament.  Maybe they have another?  
The mist and the gunsmoke have obliterated both the moon and Jupiter, seen here.  Pity as I would like another attempt at catching them.



  1. We had jays when in France, but not magpies. It appears you get one or the other. That is a super photograph.
    No fireworks here, thank goodness, though I have saved all sorts of house and garden rubbish for a bonfire. Some one has to remind parliament that blowing it up would - these days - be, as '1066 and All That' remarks, a Good Thing.

  2. Kay, Magpie's are found in most of Europe in one form or another. Not in US however.

    Fly, Occasional Jay here, I guess the \Crows saw them off also.


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