Monday 12 September 2022

King of Scots

There was a time when I could take a picture of the moon and, with a few strokes on 'Photo' make it legible. This is a talent I have lost. I need to fix something in the camera but my ailing mind canny mind what to do.  First world problems.  
A further problem is waking up early, wondering what Sunday will bring, and two hours later realising it is Monday.  Then I make out a list of things to do, do some, and spend the rest of the afternoon ignoring the list while watching the King in Edinburgh. 
How lovely to see the Crown of Scotland, designed by James V. a couple of years before his demise.  Note the lack of stolen diamonds upon it!  James was the last Monarch to die in Scotland until Liz.  This shows how often they returned here!
Charles will become a 'King of Scots.'  Note, he does not become 'King of Scotland.'
He does not own the land as the King of England does.  Scots are far more democratic than their neighbours.  If the King fails then he is democratically removed, usually with a sword.    
How boring is the BBC coverage?  Huw Edwards pratling on, put in his place by a Scottish historian regarding invasions and he quickly changed the subject BBC style.  I wanted to see pictures, not gabbing people so made use of the Live TV on the 'Mail Online.'  This, thanks to the internet wonders, was only camera shots, with no commentator.  How lovely!  Also, it was a few minutes ahead of the BBC by the same internet wonders.  I must say, asking a 73 year old King to walk slowly up the Royal Mile was dangerous.  This could have led to another funeral!  That is a steep slope and a slow walk, not one for me.  I spent much time looking for my family, who may have been there, and wondering about the crowds gathered on the High Street.  
The wall to wall coverage must die down now.  A trip to northern Ireland, and then Wales, before the end of the week.  Charlie must be fit to keep going.


  1. I too was pleased to see the crown....and to think it was thanks to Sir Walter Scott that the Honours of Scotland were found after all those years locked away since the Union.

  2. Fly, I'm just glad they didn't swipe it again.

  3. I feel a bit sorry for him, with no choice but to take on a demanding new job about 10 years after most men have retired. Possibly he has been waiting eagerly for this moment but I don't think so somehow.

  4. Jenny, I agree. He wants the job, but the pressures will be telling on him. He will enjoy much time at Balmoral.


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