Thursday 5 May 2022

US Troubles


The USA is a strange place.  A society that possesses a 'myth' that claims to offer 'freedom,' yet demands laws that protect individuals.  There is a clear problem here.  If I am free to do what I like so are you, but what happens when this leads to interference between one another?  Where does your 'freedom' end and mine begin?  
This weeks US freedom rage concerns abortion, the killing of unborn children.  It appears, through a 'leaked' document, that the Supreme Court may be deciding to reverse the 'right to abortion,' and this has caused much angst, at least among the media.  Naturally facts are not involved only emotion, facts get in the way of the cries on both sides and makes thinking difficult and decisions hard.  A failure of leadership from the top over many years has also failed to give guidiance.
I spent much of yesterday 'discussing' this with emotional women on Twitter.  The discussion with one was fruitful in that she had a true and awful tale of woe to reveal.  She had an abortion after beng raped many years ago, the child not being healthy, possibly unlikely to have any life whatsoever.  It is hard not to to feel for this woman.
However, we cannot avoid the fact that most abortions are not from stress, rape, poverty, or serious defects, the majority are women who now use abortion as a form of contraception.  Why?  Loose sex lives, a failure to take responsibility for their actions, and quite often having no idea or care as to who the father may be.  It is likely adulterous relationships also encourage a desire to dump the child to save face.  It has become known that Asian children are often aborted when it is known they are female, many only want male children, or have too many girls already.  Other children have been removed because of having minor faults such as a 'hair lip.'  These are not legitimate reasons for such drastic action.
How can we, in a caring manner, support such women?  
First we need to encourage women to take responsibility for their actions.  'Keeping their legs together, as many did in the past, is not an idea that is encouraged.  Indeed, this I note is called 'repulsive' by some women, reflecting their desire to blame the man at all times, and allow the woman to live as she pleases.  A great many women considered this view acceptable!  
These people can vote!
Another responsible attitude would be to ensure the father had a choice in the abortion decision. The father today has no choice, he must be given such.  There again, this requires the father to take responsibility for his actions also and whatever the choice ensure he supports the woman. Sadly this, I suspect, is too much for many men.  They should be held accountable.  
Any decent government would ensure suport for such women, including proper aid in decision making, would be available, this is not the case today.  Indeed, it appears many women do not want this.  What does that tell us?  
Since 1967 some 10, million children have died through abortion in the UK, just imagine how this holocaust is repeated worldwide?  In Scotland alone last year over 14,000 abortions occurred, can you convince me this is making these women happy?  I feel for their minds and hearts in the days to come.  You can stifle a conscience  but it never dies.
Since 1967 the love of 'freedom' in the USA and the rest of the west has resulted in a loss of responsibility for our actions.  Freedom only exists where we control ourselves and take responsible decisions.  The lax laws offering a society abortion, gay sex, same-sex 'marriage,' 'Trans' people, encouraging loose sex lives, and independent living with the ability to walk away from difficulties has not produced a settled, stable society.  Instead we see suicide rates growing, confusion among the young, and the loss of 'absolutes' in morality.  This begins at the top of government and leaves us a fractured world in which almost anything goes.
I note, as an example, Akihito Kondo, a 35 year old Japanese man who in 2008 married a virtual reality hologram!  This kind of wedding is not unusual, I have read of women marrying a fence, one married a wall, and I am unwilling to look for any others of this ilk!  However, we note that the story of Akihito does not have a happy ending, the company that serviced the software terminated it and his 'wife' disappeared from screen!  
The lack of an absolute morality has weakened the world.  It takes little to scratch the surface of human beings to see that the sinner lies just below the surface of us all.  Note the actions of men in Ukraine today!  History records the selfishness, violence and uncaring attitudes within us, indeed, in the 'west' we are lucky to live in such peaceful times we can allow society to descend into such absurdities.  
In poverty ridden lands the search for daily survival means there is no time for such fripparies.  How grateful we all should be to have such an opportunity of life.
How can we stop abortion?  Responsible lives, a society built on strong marriage between one man and one woman, care for children, and governments that take resonsible attitudes to the needs of people rather than care only to keep themselves in power.  This present UK lot are indeed the worst I can remember, reflecting their PMs lack of concern for others and responsibility to his job.  But responsibility we must take, who knows what the end of western society will be?

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