Friday 8 April 2022

Boris at Work

Tee Hee!  Boris has done him good this time!
There can be no doubt that the information that Sunak, our great Chancellor, the man in charge of the UK financies, has a wife, living with him in Downing Street, who is claiming she is a 'Non-Dom,' came from Boris to his friends in the media.  That is, she lives abroad most of the year and thereby dodges tax!  By this devious means she can avoid paying tax her husband, the Chancellor, has not asked her to pay as he is also somehow involved in her many companies.  So, the man who charges tax sleeps with a woman who dodges tax (just like he does) and now the information is out about her dodging and the people are not happy.  This multi-millionaire, married to an even multier-millionaire, dodges tax while her hubby intends to take the top job as PM.  
Tee Hee, that has been crashed as Boris has involved his friends to ensure we now all know about his dodgy dealings.
Again Boris is playing politics well here, as we now also know that the tax dodging Chancellor, with a resident non-dom wife who dodges tax, also spent 18 months as Chancellor of the UK while holding a 'Green Card' in the United States (where one of his 12 homes can be found).  This means for that 18 months he became a US citizen and yet was in the UK cabinet!  
Surely Boris knew?  
Now, you will be surprised to know, this also is across all the media and Boris is saying nothing at this time, I wonder why?  Tee Hee.  When it comes to seeking the top job you need friends who know how to play the game, Sunak has few friends, little experience and is learning the hard way how to deal with Boris.
By the way, I wonder how those pictures of Boris, taken from the Chancellors window, got into the media?
Anyway, we await the next chapter of this fight for the top job.
Once Sunak is done for we can expect tales about Liz Truss, though surely she cannot be serious, and such tales that would make her look bad, tsk, I wonder who could do that to the wee girl?

I would love to be filthy rich, just think of what you could do with that money?  You could buy yachts and sail around the Med, you could have 12 homes in various countries while you dodged taxes and made more money, you could sit back and enjoy life, or you could use the money for the common good while still enjoying all the best for yourself.  
How come people like today's multi-millionaire's fail to do that?  
I know of two rich men in Edinburgh who for years have donated much cash to all sorts of projects with little publicity and much gratitude.  Some 120, I think it was, millionaires wrote to the Chancellor suggesting they were taxed more and the poor taxed less.  His response was that they should just donate money to the Treasury!  Not all rich men are without morals, even those who vote for the Conservative's. 
Why do those who strive to be among the richest work so hard for what they cannot possibly make use of?  How do you spend excess millions?  Do you build penis shaped spaceships and rise high above the earth? Do you create an aircraft that flies around the world on little fuel?  Or do you invest it in people because you are not a craven greedy wretch?
What would you do?


  1. I'd like enough to have a decent life with no worries about emergency calls on funds but if i had real money then I would set up proper affordable housing trusts - not the wretched housing associations which pay their top staff big wages while negkecting their tenants. People need to be able to have a roof over their heads without it costing more than they can afford.

  2. Fly, Yes, that is a great need. The flat below, now for rent, will cost £775 a month. I thought that expensive until I looked up 'Right Move' and found the landlord is still cheap! They have always been below market rent, but so expensive for a one bed room flat.


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