Sunday 3 April 2022

Boris and the Conservative Party do not Care if you go Hungry!


It is vital we understand one thing about the Conservative Party at this time.  It is a very simple home truth.  The Conservative Party today do not care if you are hungry.  The Conservative Party today do not care if the old and sick are cold and hungry.  The Conservative Party of today do not care if your energy costs go through the roof.  The Conservative Party of today do not care if you cannot afford to buy a house or even rent one.  This is because the Conservative Party of today do not care about you!
The Conservative Party has always been concerned with money first and people second.  However, the attitudes after the war when Churchill was PM, were much more Liberal, as indeed Liberal he was at heart, towards those who suffer.  The main Parties did indeed agree on some things and this recognition of need lasted well into the 60's.  However, the 'end of empire,' loss of position in the world, and a lessening of the desire to work together saw Thatcher come to power in 1979.  She loosed the strings allowing greed to grow, sold all the council houses, and opened the way for the grasping uncaring Tory party of today.
Thatcher of course would never have allowed people such as Boris into a position of influence, Thatcher would also have never left the EU, after all that is where the money is and she loved money!  The selfish brats who claim to follow her have little in common with her ideals, they just want money, power and position.  
The main problem is their lack of morals, these were not given to them as children by their parents, and an absolute lack of responsibility or concern for others.  The PM is the most obvious person to point fingers at here.

Flag waving, denouncing of both the EU and asylum seekrs brought a Brexit success, even though this has clearly hammered the national economy, hurt business, lost trillions from the City to the EU, and left a mess none can comprehend.  The asylum seekers still come, and now we are unable to send them back to France, having left the EU.  
Incompetence and deliberate lack of care has cost thousands of lives through Covid, the business loss made worse by indecision and lack of leadership.  Now the energy crisis has arrived and while France imposes a cap rise of 4% the UK now has a rise of 54%, often from EDF a French firm charging the lesser account in France.
And don't get me started on the NHS!

With a war in Ukraine in which we normally we could have some influence we see the EU and the US take the lead.  Boris meanwhile merely spouts about how "We lead...," though in fact we just talk, and send anti tank missiles.  
The energy crisis, people unable to eat, cold homes, sick and disabled suffering, and a war in Ukraine demanding constant presence we find our leading politicians running off to 'hot spots' for Easter holidays!  Which bungling MP from this cabinet of rascals will be holding the fort this time?  I am scared to ask.
Politicians have a duty of care for the nation, this lot have no sense of duty.  These men do not care about you, the homeless, the poor, the sick, the unemployed.  They do not care about businesses that collapse after Brexit, or jobs lost.  They do not care if a company collapses and thousands lose their jobs while the directors responsible make millions in bonus's, they just do not care.
Yet, if we call an election tomorrow, this lot will be returned, Boris and all.
Ask why?

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