Tuesday 8 March 2022

Tuesday Twaddle

I tried to avoid Ukraine this morning.  My intention was to listen to Radio 3, they offer brief new broadcasts on the hour, and that would be all for me.  However, being a fool I turned on the BBC World Service and ended up with hours of Ukraine until I realised my mistake!  Early mornings are not good for me at the moment.  
To avoid this, and the constant reference to 'International Women's Day,' I wandered around to Tesco where I cleverly forgot to buy half the stuff on my list and none of the stuff I wanted but had forgotten to place on the list.  I am surprised that matron lets me out sometimes.
I avoided Twitter because this is full of the war.  Later, I forgot I was avoiding Twitter and spent too long on Twitter reading about the war.  However, I avoided watching the Ukrainian Prime Minister quote Churchill to the House of Commons and embarass Boris, especially as the Tory racists are still not allowing refugees into the country.  I slept instead.
I have just read that Boris is not allowing the staff from the UKs embassy in Ukraine to enter this country.  How callous is that?  Though we must remember that dozens of people who aided the war in Afghanistan have already been ignored and allowed to suffer under the Taliban.  Compassion and care is not found in the Johnson home, we cannot expect to find it in international relations.  There we get words, boasting and photo opportunities, but no action.  I have just realised also that Priti Patel missed the debate in the House today, she sent a junior mnister while she hid.  How typical.


  1. Well, thanks to all this food prices will soar, fertilizer will be in short supply, those urged to go back to the office can't afford the petrol to drive there....and M.P.s have voted themselves a pay rise in order to cope with it all...
    Do you think Putin could be persuaded to drop a bomb on Westminster....

  2. Fly, He is unable to bomb Westminster at the moment, his lackeys there are still using his cash...


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