Tuesday 1 February 2022

Red Skyish...

Thisis a poor effort, attempting to reflect the pervading red glow across the sky this evening.  If 'red sky at night' brings 'shepherds delight,' then tomorrow will be some day.  In fact, what the BBC tells us will happen are strong winds, around 50% F and gray clouds all day.  I am not sure what the red glow then is proving.
Boris is hiding in the Ukraine, pretending he is a Prime Minister.  Back home, the ERG are arguing as to who will replace him.  The public do not get a say sadly, though many have mentioned that Jimmy Saville donated to the Conservative Party, and recieved a Knighthood for his 'good works,' though few Tories have replied to that.
By the way, it is now February, already the year is heading to a close. 


  1. That was a low blow by Boris, done in desperation really.

  2. Dave, Typical of the man.

  3. That gives a lovely impression of a sunset, we often get beautiful ones down our road but unfortunately when I try to take them they mostly get completely washed out.

  4. Jenny, I know what you mean. The 'Photos' on Win 10 helps if you touch it up with the 'clarity' button.


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