Sunday 19 December 2021

Silly Old Fool

It was not just the world outside that suffered from fog this morning.  Rising early, carefully gathering all required for the trip to church, taking one of those free 'Flow Tests' that the council have given out, breakfasting according to the days activities and then, in good time, plodding off in good order towards the Kirk.
Naturally, the chill in the breeze did not waken me, nor the several people met on the pavements, pavements narrowed by the overgrown hedges, worn areas caused by cars to driving over, and various items left by passersby and their mutts.  None woke me from my slumbers as I plodded on.
It was as I almost reached the Kirk that I woke up and remembered the heater.
I had plugged it in at 7:30 to warm the air.  I was so busy organising myself that I forgot to unplug it as I left.  This heater now sits under my desk, warming my feet and while safe enough with me beside it allowing it to burn free  while  I was out was not desirable.  Grrrrrr!  I expect all would be safe, but it was a risk I could not take and so in the church I dumped the Christmas cards for the masses, explained myself, and hobbled back home.
It was 25 or so minutes later I clambered up the stair, entered a very warm living room and unplugged the brute!  So then it was too late to return, my dinner put to the test, and I sat annoyed at the silly old fool who could not remember something as simple as unplugging the heater!  Bah!
Another thought did cross my head however.  The Christmas cards in church.  In times past we laid them on the table and people added their own to the pile.  Each collected their own while adding to others.  All well and good, children excited to see how many they collect, adults hoping they would not get one from people they had forgotten!  Covid has ended this!  Now, to stop the spread, we must meet one another face to face and hand them the card.  Hmmm... I wonder if this is a safer method?  
Anyway, good news!  A call from one of my women at lunchtime, she and her man will collect me tonight to ensure I get to the Carol Service.  This saves me another hobble there and back.  How nice of them, I hope I put a card for them in amongst that pile...

The day ended well.  Being collected and delivered back afterwards was a great pleasure.  I think I could allow this to happen weekly if I thought I could get away with it.  
The usual straight forward Carol service, usual songs, usuall readings and usual unknown people arriving never to be seen again.  Some new people have arrived recently and remained however.  The only annoying thing is the need to stand and sing, sit and then stand, sit and then stand... by the end I am worn out!  
I think I will suggest changes for next year...      


  1. It could have been a pressure cooker!

  2. Fly, Indeed! The place would not exist then.

  3. I'm the same once I've remembered something and its in the head you have to do something about it. A favourite of the kids when we were off somewhere was before we got to the end of the street they say "Mam did you turn the cooker off" and everytime we had to go back to check.

  4. Dave, Sadly some things cannot be left. I have to check everything these days.


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