Monday 4 October 2021

Lying Conference


The Tory lying conference is well under way.  I am avoiding watching this as I can only take so many lies at a time.  There is little expectation that Boris and his cabal will offer anything but lies, half truths, and deception once again.  

Nothing has changed except the Tories are working harder at lying.  Indeed bare-faced lies are the thing today.  They all do it, no-one appears able to stop them, and they know now nobody can stop them.  The press is on their side, keeping the Tories in power is what matters as Labour might stand up to the press, any Tory will do, even these 'UKIP in suits Tories.'  
The problem is that many are happy to accept them lying and vote willingly for this.  Not just in the 'Blue areas' such as this one but in the 'Red Wall,' the areas who vote Tory for racist reasons and care not that they are suffering because of this.  
The desire to consider others has long since left this nation. Those that endured poor housing, poor schools, no NHS were keen after the Great War to see improvements.  Many were offered but none came under a Tory Chancellor.  
The depression that saw many suffer and use soup kitchens led to a determination to ensure a better society was created.  After the war the Labour government of 1945 set about doing just that.  Many Tories/Liberals agreed and a consensus to improve things for all remained in the UK until Thatcher the milk snatcher came along and worshipped money.  
Since then considering others has ended.  Those on benefits are all 'living of the state,' or 'my taxes,' and the sick have 'nothing wrong with them.'  That attitude fills the right-wing press, owned by Billionaires, and read by those desparate to believe the lie.  

Boris has made a career out of lying, it is in his blood, and now he happily divides the nation just to ensure he keeps his job.  'Divide and rule' has always been the way, the Tories today excel in this lie.  They encourage hate against asylum seekers, unemployed, sick, and the hungry.  They tax the poorest to prevent the rich suffering, they encourage race hate and walk away with none able to stand up to them.   Yet, if Boris goes for a 'snap election' he could be here for another ten years.


  1. Divide and rule always works for the Tories....and with the decline of education and the rise of mainstream drivel in the media their task is even easier than it was.
    Point out the obscene wealth of rubbish like Branson and the loons will solemnly tell you he worked for it....No, he did not. His practices were murky enough to ensure he did not get the National Lottery in his clutches...but were there to be a similar scheme these days he would be awarded it flying.

  2. Fly, The media ia responsible for the propaganda that has influenced many, more so tham social media.

  3. I like that quote. I think Blair was the nearest Labour have got with a lying leader.

  4. Dave, Blair knew how to lie. Except re Iraq.

  5. Have you been watching the Pandora Papers on BBC1 ? THAT'S the sort of stuff that drives these people, and the reason why they want to be in politics.

  6. Jenny, I have not watched tv for years. But I have read about the Pandora's box and am not surprised. Much more to discover.


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