Monday 23 August 2021

Monday Mumble


It is almost the end of August!  I am still living in May and this not helped by the weather still thinking it is March.  However, a mistake occured and in the afternoon the sun shone and forced me out of the house.  My back has joined my knee in aching, I did too much of the wrong exercise after a brief layoff, stiffness rules, so the weekend was spent indoors where I wasforced to indulge in a football frenzy so the chance to hobble around was welcomed.
This reminded me not to exercise like I was 25, it appears my body is a wee bit older now.  Most frustrating when you cannot do what you once did without thought.  OK, most things I have done appear to have been done without thought, that is why I have so few friends and changed jobs a lot.
Some are enjoying the fruits of their, or someone else's labour.  An open top MG, not unusual around here.  The sight of a sun brings out these creatures in summer.  I suppose having bought one you must use it whenever you can in this country.  When the sun shines such individuals race to the garage, probably two car garage round here, pull of the covers, start her up and out into the countryside.  A bit disappointing when you have to trail through the town rush hour however, unless you like showing off.The Essex lanes would appreciate this vehicle and the driver would be pleased with himself scooting around the back roads.
With Afghanistan filling the papers, thousands scuffling at the airport, 'our boys' trying to calmly support anyone in need, we realise that Boris and his leading men will once again be on the beach.  Just who is paying for their holiday has not yet been discovered, so we will watch who jumps into the Lords next time.  
The Army appears to be doing a good job in a difficult situation.  The US commander demanded the SAS cheif stop running around Kabul collecting UK folks and delivering them to the airport as this was embaessing the US.  Strong words were exchanged re this apparently and the SAS commander won.
I note Scots troops have now been sent out to aid the Paras at the airport, with Ben Wallace the minister now on duty, possibly the only one on duty, enjoying taking Boris's flak for him.


  1. I just pull my mask down and smile at the folks that way they try to figure out why I am smiling at them. But I do love the sign for boredom. I try to avoid the news like it is truly the cause of Covid. Hope you have missed my sense of humor. Most do not get it. With the death of my 101 and half year old MIL and my husband having to deal with the estate it has been a long long 2021. However there is light at the end of the tunnel as the end is near. Yeah!!!! Everything has been a breeze after I had my one and only brother die in April. I am the middle button and he was six years younger but we were very very close. The hurt from that was greater than when I lost my first love my Grandpa in the late 60. I too have slowed down over the years. Once upon a time I could wash all the windows in a day. There are 38 plus 17 on the first floor and 12 on the bottom floor. When my FIL built the house in 1965 he wanted to see the VIEW. So far I have been 3 weeks and I do not have all the ones on the first floor washed. Peace from the other side.

  2. Terrible, isn't it when you get to 32 and realise that you are no longer living in a 25 year old's body....
    So they are sending out the devils in skrts.....

  3. Lady, So sad a year for you. All that loss. So sorry.

    Fly, My back still aches...


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