Monday 31 May 2021

Bank Holiday Mutterings


This bright shining star reappeared very early this morning.  I lay down before ten last night and the sky was still quite bright, and as I drowsily woke around 5 am the sky was a similar colour.  
How wonderful!
The sun makes a difference to life.  No wonder those who see clouds and gray skies much of the year develop a cynical outlook on life, no wonder those in sunny climes often smile more.  
I required to visit Sainsburys and while there chatted to a bored security guard, a black man willing to smile more than most others.  He could afford to, nobody was there.  Quite why the shop opens at 8 am on a Bank Holiday is unclear, Sunday hours would suit surely?  Later I intended to wander around the public gardens in the sun but felt the need to return home and lounge all day instead.   
Thanks to our inept PM's refusal to stop flights from India, the 'Indian virus' now appears to be sweeping the nation.  Thousands of people have entered the country via Heathrow, many bringing the virus, some without knowing this.  Boris, who fears 'LockDowns' will soon be having another one, even though the last one has not yet been totally eased.  We know this will happen, the press have been warning us of this recently, a kind of official message from Downing Street to lay the foundation of LockDown again.   How many more will die before this man is brought to justice I wonder?

Joanna Cherry MP

I note Joanna Cherry and the SNP heirarchy have been continuing their tiff.  This time it may be the use being made of money 'ring fenced' for Independence, thus allowing Indy to take a back place.  Another gent stood down from his position recently indicating some things are not going well in the Bunker.  No doubt in a very short time Joanna will be welcomed into the arms of Alex Salmond...hold on..welcomed into the arms of 'Alba' as another MP, making 3 in Westminster.  That would both please and upset Nicola.

Ok, the publicity stunt to keep bad news off the front page has worked with his friendly media, but this leaves only one question, how long will this one last?  
I suspect once he has been taken out of office, and preferably put before a court, his beloved will be off, gathering her dog, child and cash, and seeking another to help build her career.  But then, I am just a little cynical about all this, are you?


  1. That 'last picture' was great!

    I should dearly like to know what precautions are being taken at Farnborough, where the private jets land, coming from all over the world. Bugger all, I suspect.

    I think that ring fenced money went to pay back a loan taken out to fund an election....Sturgeon is not interested in independence.

  2. Fly, Precautions...? Bribery possibly?


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