Thursday 15 April 2021

Up and Down all Day...

The intention was to sit and be at ease today, cleaning a wee bit and snoozing a lot.  Of course I found no bread, apart from a crust that was turning green.  This meant a walk to Sainsburys.  This was so enjoyable (Bah!) that I continued out again to Tesco for the things Sainsburys did not have.  
I sat down and rested.
I awaited the postman bringing the package not left on Tuesday.  He usually arrives about 11:30, unlike Chris who usually arrives about 12:30.  Why Chris chose to come early on Tueasday when he had my packet I know not.  So, I poured out another mug of tea, took off the shoes, lay back and 'Ding Dong - Ding Dong!' the postman arrived nearly 40 minutes early!  What is the matter with these men?  His day was brightened by my slowness in opening the door, this allowed him to practice campanology on the bells again.  It has been a slow week for postmen it appears.  I wonder why?  People going back to work?  People visiting long forgotten friends?  People not bothering to post their work mail?  Parcels are still going strong surely? 
I dumped the rubbish in the wheelie bin while I got shot of the postman, laughing as he went.  I returned to tepid tea.
Just after I finished lunch, had my siesta and returned looking for an excuse to avoid cleaning the loo and I found an email from EoN.  This demanded a meter reading as it cost too much for them to employ people to read the meter themselves.  The grasping nature of energy companies could fill many a post.  
I was annoyed as it means clambering downstairs, out, round the back, clambering unsteadily down the crumbling stairs into the basement, and brushing aside the spiders webs to read the meter.
I should point out the stairs are not crumbling, I am! 
This I did, brushing aside with a smile the downstairs neighbour as she was going out (Mercedes?  How much do they earn?).  Meter read, disused spiders webs brushed off and a scuttle back up the stairs, indoors,  then up the other stairs (for the third time today) and insert the numbers on the Eon page.
One number was wrong!
I had scribbled down the incorrect number!
"Aaaaaaaarrrrrggghh!"  said I.
This meant once again down the stairs, round the back, down the grubby stairs, read, correctly, the meter I have read dozens of times before, then crawl upstairs, indoors, up the other stairs, (for the fourth time today) enter the 'correct' number in the overcharging, crooked gangsters web page and relax.
Some time later they inform me that I ought to be paying more monthly for my own good!
I believe these prices are all shooting up anyway this month.  I do not foresee the shareholders suffering this year. 


  1. You'll have to go in for abseiling....

  2. Fly, Your attempts to kill me are not working...


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