Saturday 13 February 2021

Blue Sky & Vapour Trails


In my keep-fit shuffle across the park I noticed a strange thing up above.  An aircraft was leaving a vapour trail across the sky!  As I looked about there were several, in various stages of development, streaking the sky.  I was surprised as so many flights from Stansted have been dropped, 'EasyJet' have ceased use of said airport because of Covid, and usually only 'Fed-EX,' and 'UPS,' can be found beside one or two other parcel carries at the runways.  Is there a special free trip weekend on?  'Ryanair,' are found overcharging passengers at least three times a day, only one or two private operators appear regularly now.
Will the passengers be tested for Covid at home or abroad I wonder?
Ah yes, testing!  It appears that one year after 'Sage' the medical people suggested it, Boris has brought in 'Testing,' and 'Quarantine Hotels,' for visitors.  As far as I know only one such Hotel exists, and airports have had no information on what to do!  How many died after the various virus types flew in on foreign tripping passengers  over the past year?

I had to cross the park as I wanted to walk in the sunshine and take everybody's advice re exercise.  So I avoided the icy patches still lying there, it was minus 3 with wind chill added in spite of the sun, and the friendly local people were also avoiding, both individuals and even eye contact, with one and all.  That is indeed something new around here.  Twenty years ago almost everyone would acknowledge you were alive, very few do this now.  I blame incomers from London.  They buy the new expensive houses and bring London attitudes with them.

I hope these two planes passed at different heights!



  1. i wonder if the unfriendliness is down to all the panic about making any sort of contact as well as the influx from London.
    And as to 'planes, these blasted Greens and eco revolutionaries will not be satisfied until only the rich can fly in their private jets, leaving the rest of us to grub along as best we can on publc transport, since we won't be able to afford electric cars...

  2. I've noticed that people avoid eye contact and its usually only us oldies who acknowledge anothers presence when out and about. I put it down to a generation that hasn't been socialised into doing it. At least most cyclist give a nod or a lifting of the hand when passing. Get the bike out!!!

  3. Fly, People are wary because of virus, but last ten years people have become less open, all newcomers.

    Dave, Old folks indeed, but not all them today. Younger folks more open in the past. Cyclists do acknowledge others.

  4. That Book Is Incredible - Is That A 1960's Edition - Take Care


  5. Padre, Excellent book, sadly this is one of many 'spoof' books now available, based on 1950/60s kids books.


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