Thursday 14 January 2021

Icy Rain

I had hoped to step out early this morning and wander round the corner to Tesco and check the vegetable stocks.  However, I was hindered by an inability to get out of bed until almost eight!  When I did draw back the manky curtains I noted the rain, which had poured down all night, was still pouring down at lunchtime and would continue until this evening.  Indeed, it was supposed to turn into sleet, then snow, then dry up for a bit.  I think the roads will be icy tomorrow, whatever it turns into tonight.
However, I perambulated around to Tesco in the afternoon, as the rain was deciding whether to be rain, sleet or snow, and found it had lessened while it made up its mind.
Tesco shocked me, the vegetable shelves were heaving as always, this when the Northern Irish shops have been dumping rotten fruit and veg!  Clearly we are at the moment obtaining supplies, possibly by rail, flight, or containers at Felixstowe Docks.  Most other items were in stock, at least all I wanted, but for how long?  
I noticed the EU lorries were changing 1.50 Euro an hour but have raised this to 10 Euros as their lorries take so long at the border checking paperwork and delaying them.  I can understand why they react this way. 
Meanwhile, the 'British' fishermen, who sold what they caught to the EU, are not able to sell into the EU because of paperwork problems.  One man has lost £40,000 worth of stock, many more are going under.  The French I saw on one news item are struggling to find the fish they wish.  EU boats, often in 'British' waters, sell their fish to the UK!  At least they would if the paperwork is filled out properly.  The Customs do not know what needs to be on the forms, how can the fishermen?
Some of course indicate the fishermen voted for Brexit so they could make a killing.  They, like the farners who have also been lied to, may not deserve much sympathy for not thinking about what Brexit meant.
This is Boris at his best.  It appears today that he has not read the Treaty he rushed through the House, surely no-one can be surprised at this news.
I obtained some fish, how old I ask?  And plenty of veg, including frozen, just in case, and am set to restart the diet regime that lost me half a stone before Christmas, but which has returned somehow since.  Fish, in tins, veg, proper meat, and exercise.  
I give it till Saturday! 

Last night, in search of proper football, I have had enough of the English, Spanish and Italian dross, I made use of Livingstone's PPV to watch their game against Aberdeen.  This PPV is the way to go with football, dump Sky and the hangers on and use PPV to get the money for the clubs.  Livingstone charge £20 a go for the pleasure.  I was a bit doubtful re the price, however, when looking at what else was available I spent my money and sat back and awaited the game.
It never happened.
When I tuned in I saw the referee running around the pitch, accompanied by the 'Fourth Official' as they tested the pitch for its health.  Heavy rain hammered down as he did so, the same cloud that covered us probably, and it was clear there were problems with the pitch.  Livi have an artificial pitch, something many dislike, however the water usually disappears quickly.  This time however a layer of ice had formed all across the pitch and the sudden heavy downpour meant the rain lay on top if this ice and the water could not disperse and thus lay in puddles everywhere.  The ball could not bounce, the ball did not run well over ten yards and it was clear this was not playable, add to this the danger to players giving their all!  So the game was off, so were the media, and so was I.  
£20 to watch a referee postpone a game.  I thought I had lost the cash.  When I used to enter Tynecastle Park, the 'theatre of dreams' above the doors at the Wheatfield entrance were the clear words, "BEWARE OF PICKPOCKETS," and "NO MONEY REFUNDED UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES."
However, today I recieved an email from Livi returning the £20 I had donated to them, and ensuring it will be in my account as soon as the banks have stopped using it for their own bonuses.
So well done Livi!  I wonder if all clubs would do this today?  Is it law?  Is it an SPFL order, surely not, is it only Livi that do this?  Whatever, well done to them for efficiency.


  1. I like that tee shirt.

    The muddle about supplies shows just how useless are those in responsible positions in the U.K., both in the public and the private sectors.

  2. Fly, I like the shirt also.


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