Wednesday 11 November 2020

Remembrance 2020, Royals,

Because of the virus a shortened Remembrance event was held today at the War Memorial.  Around 20 or so people attended.  One man led, the piper played, the trumpeter offered the last post and we stood in silence.  Short but respectful, as you would expect.  The several hundred that would normally appear at the Sunday service may well have stood for the two minutes silence in shops, streets or elsewhere today. 
One wreath was laid today, added to those laid unofficially on Sunday.  This came from a local school who attend each year.  The children, heads bowed and respectful, always add something to such occasions.  I suspect these will know more about the Great War than the many educated via the 'Daily Express' and 'Daily Mail.'  

Quietly and respectfully the people dispersed, an occasional ex-serviceman was spotted, army cap and medals showing, and the people drifted away, on with their business.

My business took me to Tesco for bread and circus's, hold on, bread and wine, the last being something I forgot.  Plenty of soap however, the girl wondered if I was panic buying or just filthy?  Considering my garb I would have thought the answer obvious myself.
Back home, cleaned up, having posted the pictures on the memorial I rest.  My knees ache from standing around and walking, my head aches from Google Sites new system.  The old system was easy to operate, even if it had limitations.  The new one is not easy, things disappear, squares come and go, understanding what to do when items suddenly shrink or enlarge is not clear, questions are then asked as to the mentality of the geek who originated the blasted thing, and as my views were posted to them several times in the past I could not be bothered passing on my compliments today.  Eventually the two war memorial sites went up, this deserved lunch!
I see the royals are making the most of the date.  Kate is pictured chatting to war widows online, though the 'Standard' just notes the blouse costs £79!  I could buy two suits for that!  As she chats secretly in front of the photographers her husband is talking secretly to troops serving around the world.
Now normally this would be part and parcel of being royal, today it is part of the 'Buck House' way of indicating to Harry and Meghan they are 'out of order.'  Willie and Kate always get good press, and that is never something to put your trust in, Harry and Meghan always get a bad press.  The media love this, the royal fan, and there is lots of them, enjoys the soap opera that lives of the nations tax, and this might be the only way some media survive!  Harry and Meghan did visit a war memorial, this is called a 'photo op' by the press, Kate and William's contact however is called 'caring.'  
Do you, like me, have other words for this?

Mercury News


  1. The medals the royals wear always puzzle me....we know that apart from gallantry medals there are those for service in various theatres of war...but tell me where Prince Edward - marines, failed - gets his chestful.

  2. We were out on a club bike ride yesterday and stopped at 11 for the observance, luckily we were not far from a village and heard the bells tolling.

  3. Fabulous Photos - Be Well


  4. Fly, They have a spare collection in one of the cupboards.

    Dave, Glad you got out together.

    Padre, Chhers!


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