Wednesday 15 July 2020

Intellectual Stimulaton

I received this kind email this morning.  Apparently the Nigerian government will sent me $5 million dollars to 'compensate' me.  I'm impressed!  Normally Nigerian governments are not good at giving money to any their than their family and friends.  Jolly nice of Femi to offer.  I wonder how he knew...

Mr Femi Brown
Wed 15/07/2020 07:49

This mail is been writing to you because we have come to understand that
you have lost a lot of money all because you want to receive your fund
well note that all that have been put to a stop as the federal government of
Nigeria has promised to assist you with the sum of $5million in other to
compensate you and all you have to do is fill the below information s.

1 full name

2 home phone and cell phone number

3 occupation

4 amount that was lost by you

Send this and get back at once.

Warm regards


Staying with reality, I usually head for the front page of the daily papers to see what lies is being shared between them all.  The only aper to ever go its own way is the 'Daily Star.'  This paper is not aimed at the chattering classes, the 'Star' aims for those who find the 'Sun' has too many big words.  Recently I note how many times they place a 'funny' in amongst the headline, often worth a look, even if it does not change the world. 
Today the front page is exceptional!  The paper has gone full 'Daily Sport!' 
I doubt whether there has been serious journalism involved in this story, possibly the 'workies' have been employed on this one, however it makes a change from the lies in all the other right wing gangs offering.


  1. Do you have the details of your M.P. to hand? Femi would love to have them and your M.P. is a deserving case.

  2. Unbelievably there must be some people who reply to Femi.

  3. I received an email in my business account from someone willing to 'invest' $18m dollars in my business. It wasn't you, was it...?

  4. Fly, Tee Hee. I could say he is a Nigerian MP...

    Dave, The chap offering millions from NIgeria did get people taking him up. One man was on TV grumbling he was cheated out of £20,000. He did not mention cheating Nigeria mind. He was back again today.

    Mike, I will take a cheque here to make it easier for you...


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