Thursday 11 June 2020

USA and Bobby

This interesting survey shed some light on the attitudes that brought Trump into power.  It reveals that some 6-% of White US evangelicals show some level of discrimination.  While never keen on they way such surveys are worked out the results do not entirely surprise me.  
White Americans are afraid!  That is why they voted for Trump.  
So many US white evangelicals worship an imaginary US rather than  their God.  The impression I get is one where being white, waving a 'Stars & Stripes' flag, having apple pie each day and a son in the military are the main indications you are a true American!
Strange as they are all descended from immigrants.
Of course none mention the holocaust that their predecessors indulged in during the 19th century, slaughtering as many Buffalo and Red Indians as possible to ensure a peace loving 'All American' state.  Some amends have been made, 'Red Indians' are now called 'Native Americans,' even though their situation has not been improved and they all had their own 'Nations' before the Europeans arrived, Cheyenne, Sioux, Apache and the like.  Still, some white hearts eased.
The sad truth is that if you follow Jesus you must put aside your nation.  Jesus comes first.
Unfortunately for many Americans the fear of Black and (now forgotten) Mexicans and Latino's has pushed aside biblical truth.  Instead of trusting Jesus and accepting their concept of nation must change they hide behind Gun law, Conservative all white politicians and a flag.  
Repentance and trust in their God must come before they find peace.  Voting for Trump to end abortion was good, abortion is murder, opposing gay sex is correct, however voting for Trump himself has proved the naysayers right, he is a Broken Reed and must be removed.  National repentance is required for the white evangelical, 40% appear to be there already, the rest must also take this step for Jesus to reign.  It will not be easy.

Greyfriers Bobby needs to go... 
can you imagine the trauma cats feel every time they walk past, 
they're never quite sure 
if they're going to be attacked.
Dogs have been attacking cats for thousands of years! 
All we need is a petition... or an hysterical mob!

 (My niece's somewhat sarcastic answer to statue removal!) 


  1. What worries me is what replaces Trump!
    I am convinced that if Clinton had won the last election the world by now would have been at war,,,and nothing about Biden reassures me as to his moral probity let alone any ability other than to rake in dirty money. If black America trusts in him to improve its lot then it will indeed need divine assistance.

    I did like your neice's views on the removal of Greyfriars Bobby!

    Now I hear that the wreckers want to pull down the statue of Sir John Moore in Glasgow's George Square supposedly, as I gather, that he put down a slave rebellion on St.Lucia during the French Revolutionary Wars. Perhaps they might like to take into consideration that he reduced the Brigands - as they were known - by the promise of no return to slavery if they gave themselves up.

  2. Its interesting that the highest levels of zero resentment are among those who are atheist or agnostic.!!

  3. Imagine all the life in peace.

  4. Fly, Statue attacking is now all the rage!

    Dave, Indeed! I wonder what they do resent...

    Mike, What? Americans...?


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