Tuesday 2 June 2020

Hypocrisy, Books and Parliament.

Donald Trump last night insulted insulted Christians everywhere by making use, without informing the church authorities, of St Johns Church for a photo opportunity.  Not only did he not inform the church authorities his police fired tear gas at them as they provided refreshments to the peaceful demonstrators. 
For a cheap election stunt he abused the church itself, physically assaulted the clergy and then had the audacity to stand with a bible in his hand in front of the building!  What hypocrisy! 
For myself I doubt there has been a 'regeneration' within him since his many 'prayer meetings.'  I am not keen on his 'spiritual advisor's as the main woman appears to be more concerned with raising money than Jesus.  It appears Trump merely wishes the 'evangelicals in the Mid West' to come out and vote for him, he is unafraid to make use of the church building or the good book itself in and effort to obtain votes.  You have to wonder what goes through his mind sometimes, he appears to have so little understanding of the real world.    

No-one who has read the bible can ever vote for this man.
Trump has taken advantage of the natural response to an 'out of order' police force running amok not to bring order but to create a divide, a 'them and us' situation, so he can pretend to be on the  side of right, whether it is 'right' or not does not matter as long as he gets votes.  His voters sadly will understand and follow his lead.
Adolf Hitler used similar tactics.  Pointing the finger to the Jews and anyone else believed to be responsible for Germany's failure he obtained success.  This is an old rabble-rousing trick, Boris Johnson was also doing the same thing with his absurd 'Get Brexit Done' call recently, we now know he was not capable of getting anything done bar creating children for others to rear for him.
St Johns Clergy have immediately indicated their disgust at this man's cheek.  None wished Trump to make use off and abuse their building, it is clear no Christian can support such a man walking far from God yet here we see him abusing the Bible for his own ends.
What a disgrace.


An interesting note regarding the past.
1968, LBJ, besieged in the White House by over 100,000 peaceful protestors objecting to the Vietnam War.
1969. Nixon, besieged in the White House by more than 500,000 peaceful protestors similarly.
2020.  The man claiming, "I am your President of Law and Order." Encourages the use of tear gas on peaceful protesters, threatens to bring in the Military to clear the streets, and suggests shooting protestors.
Some 'President for Law and Order,' the previous two, professional politicians of course, did not call on the guard to use tear gas on ether occasion.

The difficulty discovered after finishing a good book is finding one, on a differing subject, that will take a similar hold.  This is not easy.  Several books which have been opened are full of words, words that require to be read slowly.  Others are somewhat slow in themselves and picking up the book is not easy.   Some find time to waste during Lock Down to tidy up their bookcases.  The media is full of those arguing whether books ought to be in alphabetical order, subject order, authors name and such like.  The really stupid file all their books in colour order greens, blues, reds...I am left wondering if any have actually been read?  However while adjusting the space for the Great War books I did wonder if I need a new house, one with a library possibly?  
Now, how to get rich quick...?

At first sight Rees-Moggs idea that all MPs must attend parliament in person to ensure proper voting appears somewhat foolish.  Indeed as many MPs will be unable to attend due to Lock Down keeping them in because they or a relative has the symptoms or have been advised, by this government, to remain indoors due to a disability, it certainly appears stupid.  Long queues nearly a mile long, waiting to vote, all 6 ft apart, will certainly induce ridicule from the public.
Hold on though, Rees-Mogg does not have 'ideas.'  Rees-Mogg did not come up with this, so who did?  I venture to suggest that the famous bald man who, 'for the sake of his children,' spends time driving them up and down the nation is responsible.  Not only will this ensure Boris has support at PMQs and therefore appear less foolish, but parliament itself will be made to look stupid, turning the attention off Boris and elsewhere.
Brilliant!  Now when the Leader of the Opposition tears Boris apart the sheep behind him will be able to drown out his embarrassment by whooping and cheering as if they meant it.  Boris will still look unfit for the job however, but at least he can try and hide by appealing to his sheep.  


  1. Trump holding that Bible. I think if I had been there, I would have been tempted to tell him to sit down and read it.

  2. Seems somewhat akin to a breach of the third commandment to me...

  3. I think half the world wonders what goes on in Trumps mind, I think it's very little else other than self interest.
    Listening to Rees Mogg speak, or rather talk down to people, is so galling, no wonder there are revolutions !!!

  4. Kay, Me too!

    Fly, Clearly! I wonder what his 'Christian' advisor's will say...?

    Dave, Trump and Rees-Mogg are all part of one line.


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