Friday 17 April 2020

Fumbling Friday...

Friday has been the usual Lock Down day of joy and happiness.  I began by following up a comment I made on the local facebook page.  They had all been out clapping and banging and sending up fireworks to 'support the NHS staff.'  I suggested they may be better writing to their MP and making the point that this government ought to respect such staff by paying them better.  
I forgot this was a Tory area and those who supported my idea were outnumbered ten to one.
Sadly, after a 'debate,' if that is the word, with many who did not like my idea as 'political' which it was not, I dislike all parties, and one female who failed to understand what was written, along with the type of abuse received from the 'Daily Mail/Express' reader,' the admin removed the post.  
However I had followed this up with another making more suggestions.  By nine am this morning I was banned from the page and the post removed.  I had wondered how fake Boris's illness had been.  The sheep considered this rude...

Once the major job of the day has been attended to, the needless argument come to a result, the tea made, the chocolate released, I then have much time to read books.  How come I have only read a wee bit off the vast array around me?  Two books are in the process of reading yet one is not a quarter of the way through and the other just over half way, what have I been doing?  It is one of those great puzzles in life, when there is time to do something absolutely nothing gets done!  Even the whisky has been abandoned, cards to be sent lie unwritten, dust begins to re-emerge after having been strenuously removed just over a week or two ago.  
I must do more tomorrow....

Hold on, tomorrow is Saturday, doesn't that mean something?  It used to.  
Now with no football there is no way to differentiate the days.  Sunday brings church, but only online, no-one leaves home.  Many are trapped inside for three months, maybe more, news is not spread about, fear of the virus keeps strangers at bay when outside, fear of virus keeps neighbours six feet apart.  
Never mind, all is on the hands of our disappearing PM and his cabinet.  What could possibly go wrong...?   


  1. I too have been wondering about Boris. He was seen walking in the garden a few days after coming out of ICU which might mean he has made a fantastic recovery... and if so good for him, but if that is the case why is he holed up doing nothing while the country falls to bits around him? Maybe he can donate his PM salary to the NHS while he has his month off? His lady friend is going to have her baby shortly and he WAS talking about definitely taking paternity leave before the virus problem became so obvious. Perhaps that is part of his plan. Interesting that he is more popular with the voters than ever before, apparently.

  2. Jenny, The voters are all for him, their papers tell them he is great! I have been banned by the local page for mentioning this. The sheep are full of praise, just as with Brexit Logic does not work. Facts are not important it is easy phrases and wishful thinking. Mass delusion.

  3. Chequers must have a very large fridge....

  4. Fly, It seems that way...


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