Thursday 26 March 2020

Tuesday Toddle

Not long after 7:30 I ambled out into the bright morning sun.  The wind was blowing lightly from the north east leaving a white film of frost upon the scene.  Having a big car did not stop Jack Frost alighting on you.

I passed Sainsburys, fooled at first into thinking it was not open, realising later they were just controlling the numbers entering, for safety's sake.  This mattered not to me as I was heading for Tesco.   At first the lack of people fooled me here also, was it open?  In fact few people were around, and inside a similar control system was in operation.  The staff directing customers to keep apart and use certain doors.  All good and proper I thought.  I was less happy as they then chose to close the aisles I was heading for.  Stock was low, a consignment had just arrived and they closed the aisles to fill the shelves quickly.  Why not keep them open and fill shelves slowly thinks I?  That way I can get what I wish and you make money!  Reason was not around this morning.  

However , I managed to obtain sufficient to keep me going for a few days and discussed with the excellent checkout lass the world and its problems and put them to right.  Well, we thought so.  No crush at this checkout, the crowds not yet arriving.  I suspect they too made them wait outside later in the day.

It is a strange world in which we live.  Police patrol the park ensuring folk do not lie around in the sun.  Supermarkets employ security guards to quell the potential squabbles over goods.  A cough while walking ensures those closest to you become the furthest away.  Business is boarded up, shops closed, football ceased, economic woes abound at all levels, and Michael Gove still thinks he ought to be in charge.

I wandered about making use of the mobile camera, when I could understand how to use it.  The sun shone and the sky was blue, people passing kept more than six feet away from me, fear is greater than reality!  I expected empty streets at this time but as there is no morning rush, at least not the usual rush it was quiet.  Occasional souls remained freezing at bus stops, trying not to breathe.  The Crows continued to empty dustbins of what food scraps they could find, a lack of takeaways affecting their feeding habits I note, and life continues but at the moment nobody really knows what to do.  How do we react to a virus attack?  This is not a Hollywood movie, praise the Lord, this is serious.  The brute is out there, determined to get us, political leaders handle it in various ways, some blaming others for the mess, some diligently trying the best system they can find, the UK bumbles along claiming to have the best NHS in the world yet failing to provide proper equipment for the staff!  10 years of abject failure to prepare may have a hand in this.  Of course the 3 years old in the White House is handling the emergency with his eyes closed and his wallet wide open, no matter how many suffer.

The idea of the Tories saying 'Save the NHS' is quite ironic considering what they have done to the NHS since Thatcher was king!  Saving money has cost a great deal and the Labour Party failed to do anything about it, bar PFI scandals of course.

A second attempt to obtain goods, this time from Sainsburys, was postponed when I saw the queue. It was not worth the wait, I could 'make do and mend' if required.  So I wandered and came back via the park, hoping no police were about or I would have to pretend I was exercising. 

Tonight the Chancellor offers cash to the self employed to help them survive.  Generous say some, where does the money come from say others?  He appears to talk in 3 month cycles, I hope he plans in 6 month cycles.  I doubt this beast will finish within 18 months.  Here's hoping.  
So it is on with our new life, not that mine changes much, but around me much changes and will continue to change.  A new depression may be in the offing, good times are not around the corner.
And walking in the chilly air has brought back my cough and throat problem!


  1. You might have to pretend you're exercising. Funny.
    These are strange times indeed. Stay safe. Try to keep all those women rushing up to you on your street to hug you.

  2. The cartoon says it all...pity there is not a better 'ole to go to...

  3. The phone takes great pictures plus the convenience of always having it with you. I can see you're learning to love this new phone. Look after the cough and sore throat. There are some tried and tested remedies!!

  4. Kay, The women still rush up but halt 6 feet away!

    Fly, That nearly went up but I could not think of a better 'ole.

    Dave, I have begun to run every time someone calls! Now I understand. I must hide it....

  5. I hope the cough disappears soon. I've had one too (and a mild sore throat) which has been coming and going since about January. Sometimes I think it's gone. I've heard of quite a few folk who have had something very mild that they believe is Coronavirus. Extraordinary feeling that nobody knows much about it still.

  6. Jenny, Yes these things come and go. However the incompetence of the government means we do not get tested! Other nations test everybody, we hardly test the NHS staff! I hope you clear the bug and I hope you finish that book soon.


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