Wednesday 1 January 2020

New Years Day

I tried the Garfield style for a while today and filled my time by drinking tea, eating 'Black Bun' and watching football.  Though to be honest my mind wandered here, there and everywhere while doing so.  There was little response outside.  A dog or two was seen in the park opposite walking the owner, running free and full of joy, the dog not the owner, while gray clouds hung overhead pretending to be in Edinburgh.  

Around eleven I was desperate to be out of " or whatever as they pass but in the past ten years many from outside have brought their London ways with them.  This means people are less likely to offer such greetings and the mob I saw were clearly of that grumpy mind.  Even the dogs ignored me, the preference for strange aromas found round the legs of park seats appeared more delightful to them than my presence ever could.  

I stumbled into the edge of town, accidentally collecting £100 from the bank as I passed, noted that 'Iceland,' 'The Edinburgh Woolen Mill,' 'Sainsburys' and the Bookies, the usual suspects, were open but little else as far as I could see showed its face or moved.  Sullen people moved slowly, grim faces in the slight chill, eyes not indicating anyone was at home, even the birds were missing bar one white pigeon, no leftovers from last nights takeaways for them today.  So I returned home to feeble football, filling in the second calendar dates, removing the many Chinese spam links that appeared late last night and began to read one of my new books.  Question, why do Chinese spam merchants think we will understand them?  Are they not aware that their squiggles mean nothing, indicating little to outsiders?  I suspect I know what was on offer however. 
The 'Roaring Twenties' have begin but they appear a bit slow at the moment...


  1. I have drawn this pic to Leo's attention....i between mucking out sheep, feeding and watering same, likewise the tribe of rabbits, the poultry including a family of thirteen wild duck who have decided not to migrate this year and stand on the feeding buckets whistling their demands...what do we want? Maize. When do we want it? Half an hour ago!
    The usual succession of meals for ourselves and dogs...including Danilo's dog who clearly thinks she has found 'a better 'ole' when it comes to food and now sleeps in the kitchen on the shelf under the counter tops to be ready when the next bowl hits the ground...and then rabbits, poultry and sheep again.
    Not forgetting an hour of watering the garden.
    Can't wait until next January 1st....

  2. Your last picture statement is so very true. The body grows old and ages but in our minds we are much younger.

  3. Fly, I'm glad to hear that. I sometimes wonder if you get bored....

    Dave, My body is90 but my mind is 19.


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