Tuesday 10 December 2019

The End Nigh, Brandy, Mouse....

Tuesday: Two days till we vote for the wrong government!
From then on we will despair of the mistake, blame them for it, not us, and ensure 'I never voted for them, no matter what I said before the election.'
The leaders are telling greater porkies than ever, Boris ignoring children on hospital floors more than ever, everyone offering billions here and there with no accounting and yet, when it comes to the vote, it is clear the vast majority appear willing to vote like sheep!
A couple more days of screaming headlines, lies mostly, misinformation, accusations and then the great climax.  A hung parliament.
Then we go through it all again in a couple of months...
Sadly the lying incompetent Boris looks like he might win, although there is hope in Uxbridge where he might lose out to a local man.  If only!  I wonder if he hopes to lose out so he can avoid responsibility for his mess?  Very like him, also like him is an arrogant approach that takes victory for granted so choose which you prefer.
All this rot takes a back seat to the news the Heart of MIdlothian have got a new manager and now the world, well Edinburgh, is filled with hope.  That is good news.

Up again last night coughing.
Felt not to bad during day and cleaned many things and sorted much out.  Then had to sit up all night.  Blasted thing will not go away.  Nothing helps.
So I opened my Christmas gift to myself, paid from those Sainsbury vouchers, in a bid to see if this helps.  In no way does it help but it tastes better than cough mixture. 
Weather rough, people rough, wind howling along.  
Good news on the mouse however.  The screams from next door indicate the mouse cannot break through my defence line and has moved back there.  John, the workman was in yesterday telling me she had been afraid it was a rat!  She went home to mother, her man obeyed her and followed.  We now await the next move by the mouse.  I lie awake, well I probably will tonight, coughing, and l will be listening out for teeth cutting though aged wood.  However I think we have won!


  1. Well done on the mouse war. Maybe the night cough is due to lying too flat!!
    We will know by Friday whats in store for us, but it doesn't look good, so you may well need more of that brandy.

  2. Dave, The cough certainly does not like lying down. Much better this morning, practice probably! As for the Brandy, well I might require a few bottles if Boris gets in, part of the Brexit supply before it is unable to cross the channel...

  3. If the mouse returns, hit it with the empty bottle...it's not empty? Soon will be if your cough continues.
    What a wimp that woman is...moving out because of a mouse!
    She ought to try the tarantula living in the office...the size of my hand.

  4. Fly, I am working on the bottle...


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