Tuesday 26 November 2019

Labour, Ovens...

Ephraim Mirvis, the Chief Rabbi, has made a statement, much lauded by the media, concerning  'Anti-Semitism' in the Labour Party.  It has amazed me this morning just how much publicity this has been given by the press.  The BBC has given proof of the 'News and Current Affairs' departments pro- Boris stance by giving great coverage making this the main story of the day.  
When you consider on Sunday the Roman Catholic Bishops sent out a letter encouraging people to vote for Labour, though not in so direct terms, as they ought to vote for those who 'support the poor' and not vote for those who treat the poor badly, and we all know who does that in the UK, yet little coverage has been given by the BBC, I wonder why?
Anti-Semitism may well be found in the Labour Party, it certainly was there in the Conservative Party until Margaret Thatcher and her Barnet constituency relied on the Jews in London's North West for votes and cash.  Few Jews however make it to the top, Dominic Raab is not a good example.
I fear this has little to do with Brexit and much to do with Israel not wishing to see Corbyn, a man who criticises Israel's treatment of Palestinians, in power.  They prefer the money grabbing Tories who will always bow the knee to them, whatever their personal opinions may be.   
For some time it has become increasingly obvious that the supposed 'Leftie BBC' is in fact following the Conservative lead.  Brexit opposition is put down and support encouraged in all programmes on TV and Radio.  Those who disagree are silenced or leave.  
Once the BBC was neutral in all things, though not totally obviously, it did have to help win a war, and the news broadcasts were respected as being more objective and factual than many other media outlets.  This cannot now be reckoned as being the case.  While some stories are independent and objective far too many reveal bias towards the Brexit line and Boris and his mob.  
Maybe too many in the BBC are looking towards their future prospects or Knighthoods?

I have had a hard day.
Not only did I have to trek to Sainsburys in the drizzly rain but afterwards a spirit of stupidity entered me and I began to clean the oven!
This chap here speaks for me!
Now I realise it has been a wee while since I cleaned it last, long before Brexit I fancy, and therefore once I removed those metal grill things, with difficulty, and dumped them in the sink, I was able to take a closer look at the insides.
It was not pretty.
So the rest of the afternoon was taken up with spraying, scrubbing, soaking and clearing up the mess.  This I can tell you is good exercise!  No wonder women have such big muscles.  Of course it would be easier for a woman, she would clean more often!  Ha!
Now I must away and lie down while the aches creak...


  1. With that headline you're in for a busy time...not only the usual gang of Wee Free Inquisitors to avoid, but now the Board of Deputies on your trail too.
    I cleaned our oven when it went on fire when next used after Leo had been experimenting with a chicken doner kebab recipe. Probably the fire cut out a fair bit of the elbow grease.
    I have had it to my back teeth with this anti semitism nonsense. Distinctly annoyed with attempts at blackmail with reminders of the Holocaust by people supporting the evil treatment of Palestinans by the state of Israel - especially when it is done to maintain the Tories in power.

  2. Religious people sniping and making comments about each others religions is putting people off religion just as much as all the politicians sniping each other is putting people off politics. Both are very sensitive subjects and can make or break relationships by dividing people who could work together into groups that hate and despise each other. I admit to being shocked at any headline that puts Jews and ovens together in the same sentence- I am hoping this was an accident on your part and not the kind of thing that the most right wing of Trump's haters would punch the air and guffaw at.

  3. Not that i am accusing you of being a Trump supporter!

  4. Fly, Ha! I never thought of that, I was just scratching around for a title. I've changed it somewhat. There s no doubt Corbyns attacks on Israeli behaviour is behind this.

    Jenny, Indeed I never thought about that! Your 'Guardian' mind noticed that. As for sniping, speaking the truth is not sniping. Ask the thousands of Christians, Palestinians ones also, who have been removed from Israel in the past 50 years.

  5. Jenny, Trump! I've never been so insulted! He gives unqualified support to Israel you will notice.

  6. Good to change the headline! Part of the reason I won't get involved in detailed discussions about Israel is that the history of the Jews is so complicated and appallingly tragic that when you really start looking at it , it is impossible to find ANYONE who is definitely entitled to take the moral high ground!


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