Wednesday 30 October 2019

Sick of it Already!

December 12th, a time when my Christmas shopping has been done, the cards sent off, the wallet empty, and a trip round the corner to vote for a loser in the General Election. 
Last night, around 10:10 pm, I switched off the radio.  A Tory MP, no idea who, they are all the same, was refusing to answer a question, any question, while spouting the Tory line whether he agreed with it or not.  I could not take any more.
For 43 days we must endure lies, counter lies, newspaper lies, slanted reporting, more lies and a huge growing number of 'experts' explaining to us what is actually going on, all of course giving different answers.  Luckily we all know what each and every MP is saying, "Goes a Job!"
Brexit, the good of the nation, the nations future, all these take a back seat as prospective MPs tell you what you wish to hear even though they know they are lying, you know they are lying and yet they lie in the desperate hope the majority of crosses on the ballot paper will be theirs.   
People of course vote emotionally, not logically, they vote for the party the 'Looks after us' rather than a thoughtful consideration of what is best for the nation overall.  This time many will vote for Brexit, many others will vote against, there will be changes in some areas because of this.  Brexit of course, as I was told yesterday, is only opposed by the 'intelligentsia.'  Naturally I concurred and bowed my head in acceptance.  This is the first time I have been referred to amongst such company.
It may be the last.
Intellectuals, the dumb, the sheep and those who vote for the first time, will all be steadfastly reading every word pushed in front of us during the next few weeks.  I will not.  We know where the parties stand, most know their MPs opinion and only in marginal seats, or those where a change is possible, will folks really take an interest in the half truths and lies on offer.  I need not, our man will be returned, the sheep will come out, however his huge Brexit majority will be diminished as he has put advancement before the constituency and will suffer for this.  He will however keep his well paid job.
I am now off to avoid the papers...

The Tory MPs allowed themselves leave to guffaw at the green tie worn by Corbyn at Prime Ministers Question Time.  They thought this a good reason for ridicule.  Theresa May apparently was less keen and was noted hissing at them to take note, the tie was green in respect for 'Grenfell' and the dead from that fire.   Imagine Tory MPs being out of touch.  One was so far in touch he made it clear the reason the Conservatives beat down the desire to give the vote to 16 & 17 years old's was a simple one, "They will not vote for us!"  He understood.


  1. I can think of several M.P.s who should be kicked out by their electorates...for ignorance, idleness and self aggrandisement - except that these seem to be qualifications for office.
    I should buy earplugs.

  2. How this election is going to solve Brexit escapes me and whatever the candidates say the other important issues will be secondary. The manifesto's should be interesting.

  3. Fly, A large number are running away, the worst remain...

    Dave, I thought a referendum first would help. This election may give a confused close run thing.

  4. I am so confused about what is going on in your politics! Of course, I should be, as an American, we have great troubles of our own. Wish us luck. Please.

  5. Kay, UK politics easy explained. Just think of the three year old in the White house, add lies, incompetence and deceit. Plus the failure of opposition to offer alternative, add to that lying press, sheep like voters, and you are there.


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