Monday 7 October 2019

Protest Nonsense and Kurds

The pavement dwelling middle classes, fed by Cinnamon Muesli and boasted by green tea, have been out on the town again.  Rather than confront the Chinese embassy over their building of coal fired power stations, or indeed the Indian Commission asking them to stop kicking Muslims in Kashmir around for a while and cease the pollution the nation is churning out, these well dressed protestors (What is their apparel made from?) instead block the streets.
Having removed the plastic straws from their homes, but retained the TV's, Stereos, mobile phones and the containers they use at picnics and equestrian gatherings, they have decided to squat on the pavement, hindering real people from movement, and added millions to the police costs which make it harder to police the end the knife crime haunting the nation at the moment they pose happily for the media scramble persuaded this waste of time is not a waste of time. 
Indeed no change will come of this.  Brexit is all and politics is not about planet saving.  Deciding to have a 'jolly' while Boris is trying to save himself not the planet is rank bad timing.  There is no chance anyone in No 10 will have noticed this demonstration of adult stupidity and callousness, it may be they reckon this has come over from the EU to cause trouble, but will ignore it anyway.
You do not see people such s these protesting about 'Universal Credit,' the Homeless or the number of Food Banks in the nation.  They rarely leave home, bar to shop for 'must have' items found in colour supplements or visit a coffee shop or wine bar to discuss the worlds problems, especially the possible loss of the 'John Lewis' shop.  Possibly there is a reason for this small minded outlook?   
A people with no God look for a purpose, anything will do as long as it does not cost!  Each year these people chase one cause after another, anti-hunting this year save the whales the next.  Fixing real problems take time, take a great deal of work, cost money and often friends also.  Sitting on the street with aged unbalanced Hippies does not cost and you can go back smug in the knowledge you have made your protest to save the planet, even though it will have no real effect.
Enjoy your Hummus, Focaccia, Black Olives and Pheasant Eggs tonight...

The nature of the US President is revealed clearly in the report today that he is abandoning the Kurds who removed ISIS from Iraq, with little help, and removing his troops from the region to allow Turkey, under the dictator Erdogon, to move in with massive force to annihilate as many as he can.
What sort of man does this, indeed, what sort of man does this publicly and even boasts about his deed?  
Why is he doing this?
Turkey is a member of Nato and borders the unsafe Russia.  However Putin and Trump go back a long way, who knows what is going on between those two, yet as he backed Syria Putin might like to look good backing the Kurds.  Trumps daughter has money in Turkish businesses and that may play a part.  Something more is involved here, this will get out of hand, nothing in the Middle East is simple.


  1. Self satisfied virtue signallers....send in the mohnted an Orgreave on them. Oh no, I forgot, you can't beat up the middle class...
    Climate change is a nice, easy thing to protest about when you have enough money to keep you and your family, enough food for you all and heat for your house and as you have all these you don't lift a finger to help those - under your stuck up nose - who have been deliberately deprived of a proper job with all the consequences that that entails.

    Let them nip over to train, of course...and let their government know what they think about the levels of pollution there.

  2. Fly, My thoughts exactly.

  3. Well, considering my views on Brexit you may be surprised that I think that even Brexit is absolutely nothing compared with the damage that is being done to the planet. If you look into it you'll see the bottom line is that certain ecosystems are now on the verge of becoming unstable, although there are still ways of averting this happening. With an unstable system there is obviously no predicting who it will affect and how, nor can it be prepared for or dealt with, and it could happen extremely fast, obviously (since it's unpredictable!) The problem is essentially over population, in 1970, 3.6 billion world population; today, approaching 8 billion and rising. Nature can deal with this fine, it needs to reduce the number of human beings on earth, no matter where they live or who they are, probably by making the air less breathable and creating water and food shortages till there is less demand on ecosystems which can stabilise again over a few million years with a hardier population of humans. We still have a choice to manage increasing populations and how we use the world, and we should take it if we care about ourselves and our descendants. So that is what these people are saying, they are facing it instead of running away. By the way most of those I spoke to were actively avoiding plastics, were vegan, on bikes or public transport. Given that they live in the same world as us they cannot suddenly revert to minimalist stone age living.

  4. Brexit is a major problem but you are right in saying it is not the most important, the empty false lives of so many is the problem, only Jesus can fill that.
    I've known about melting ice caps since I was about 16, overpopulation was a big story years ago but forgotten now, these are nothing in comparison to murdering 9 million children by abortion in the UK alone since 1967 or allowing society to consider same sex marriage normal! That rot at the heart of society is the problem.
    Moral confusion reigns, broken worlds need politicians to fix this but they only see as far as their nose so have always avoided a fix. Nothing will be done to avert catastrophe and this little show will have no effect, certainly not when Brexit is uppermost in thoughts.
    The world is breaking apart, it always has been, wars and rumours of war will soon be added, the end might be soon.


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