Friday 6 September 2019

Boris, Eton Boys, and Family!

Thirty years of schoolboys attempting to outdo one another and get the top job have ended up with the entire world in a mess.  One man can make a difference for good or evil in this world, two Eton schoolboys jealousy of one another have given us Brexit!
For thirty years we have had lies spewed out of Brussels by Johnson and his cronies, known lies told not to benefit the people but to gain advantage for themselves.  The damage he and his friends in the right wing media have wrought might never be corrected.
Today we have a parliament led by Johnson and Rees-Mogg, under the tutelage of Dominic Cummings, which cares nothing for the damage to the nation, nothing for the hurt caused to people and are happily enjoying those benefits only people in Hedge Funds understand. 
Bojo has so far lost about 23 MPs, his brother and Three major votes all within a handful of days, a record that might never be broken again, unless he does something worse.  So he has run of to Aberdeen, a Brexit laced area.  The fishermen foolishly thought, like the farmers, that leaving the EU would benefit them, as if Boris understood fishermen?  Does he know they still exist?  He might find some support, as long as he does not walk the streets, but it will be lost if he does not keep his mouth shut.
Well done the SNP, holding back the desire for a General Election sufficiently to stem Boris.  Working with the opposition to ensure an election when it suits them is a great idea.   There are 13 Tory seat at the moment, most will be lost in an election, along with that East Dunbartonshire one of the lib-dem leader Swinson.  She will be out also.  It might be only Murray for Labour in Edinburgh, a Lib-Dem in the Shetlands and a Tory in the south west that are left if the SNP handle this right.  The only downside to the SNP in my view is Sturgeon, she of the chip-on-the-shoulder girly attitudes.  She has to go for Scotland to prosper. 

The family history has kept me amused these past few days.  I ought to have been fixing the broken things, painting the bedroom and sorting those other cupboards but I accidentally  got hooked on my grandfathers first family.  I decided to write them up individually thus giving me a better idea of each of them and this was an interesting experience. 
At 15 he is in Edinburgh studying rail mechanics intent on being a driver.  
At 21 he is working on the farm and marrying a woman.
The woman he marries has mental problems.  

Not long after the first child he is placing this ad in the local paper, there is trouble afoot.
So to Edinburgh in 1880 a few children later so something must be working.
He drives trains now, lucky man!
But one daughter, now 13, lives far away in Newcastle, possibly to avoid mum. 
Near centuries end tragedy strikes twice and brings a response.
1891 Mary is born, 1892 Mary dies of Bronchial Pneumonia.
!898 eldest son, 24, is found semi-conscious after taking a 'large dose' of Laudanum, the usual Victorian pain killer.  But was he a habitual user?  l ask because he is now with another aunt in Berwick, a sister also, was he in their care?
The next day he dies.  A post mortem claims a blood clot in heart is the cause. 
By 1901 mother has gone, she is in the Lunatic Asylum at Dundee, one of the best in it's day.  
Family rumour of poison might be true.     
1904: Sister in Newcastle marries the lodger.  In Dundee mother passes away.
We are running out of family.
Two years later father marries again thus making widow Christina my grandmother.
Three children arrive.  
Two sisters join brother who has been working in Birkenhead.
1910 one marries an insurance clerk and runs of to Edinburgh, Liberton no less. 
1911 Granddad has left the home, Grandmum and three kids, plus three from previous marriage remain in Dalry. 

Granddad is in the workhouse! 
Queensberry House before and during the Great War was the Workhouse!  What a size! There must have been a fair few old folks in there.  Today it has been spruced up and serves as offices for the Scottish Parliament just behind it.  
One sister remains in Birkenhead until brother emigrates to Canada then returns to Edinburgh (I think).

1914: Brother in Canada joins Canadian army.
1916: Brother in Canadian army dies at Ypres.  Remembered on Menin Gate.
1917: Father dies from apoplexy at Queensberry Hoose.
1922: Sister married to Swede dies aged 43 leaving him three teenagers.  
1928: Insurance accountant loses his wife to cancer.  
Not many left!
1933: Insurance man, doing nicely thank you, up in Liberton, marries eldest sister.
1936: William, the brother who went to sea, served through the Great War on sloops in the Mediterranean, based in Malta, dies.  He is reported as 'presumed drowned,' while serving on an untraceable ship (merchant navy).  
1943: Insurance man dies.
Is eldest sister alone?  Is there anyone left?
She dies while living in comfortable surroundings in Ayr during 1954.
No wonder my lot are a bit strange....

One thing that conjecture brings is the image of the eldest sister.  My aunt and one sister were brought to mind as I wondered about her.  I got the impression of the elder sister who has to keep things going while the family dither. The other girls appear normal as does William the sailor who never married, as sailors who served abroad for three or so years at a time never did.  So many parts of my family can be seen in my mind here.  However the mother appears to have given one or two problems to the family.  Maybe that is who they moved so often, though that was not uncommon with a growing family.  If only we knew more.



  1. Wouldn't it be nice if we, the public, could put a notice in the newsoaoer that we are not responsible for the national debts run up by Etonian etc. politicians.....

  2. Fly, I might try that...


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