Monday 19 August 2019

Painting with Cassette Tapes

Due to the weekend and an unfortunate bout of laziness I have only just finished painting the window frames I began last week.  Today, in spite of the howling wind coming through the gap in the window, I managed to get the job done while listening to an old tape from Radio 4, Siegfried Sassoon's 'Memories of an Infantry Officer,' a fictionalised account of his war.  I realised when this had stopped and all I had to listen to was the voices in my head, thoughts from here and there, good and bad, going nowhere, which explained builders who turn on 'Radio 1' loudly, even though they are far from that age group, just to have something lively in the background.  I'm reminded by this of a cartoon on a building site from long ago where one young man with a perplexed expression is looking for his transistor radio.  Smirking brickies carrying on regardless in the foreground appear to have mistaken this radio for a brick, it now takes its place in the wall.  
I can understand his mates also!
The main problem with finishing the window frames is that it leaves the need to now finish the other rooms also.  This is more difficult.  This means moving things, hoovering behind items unmoved since yon time, dusting, washing, then preparing.  Somehow the enthusiasm appears to have disappeared.  Enthusiasm is not encouraged when looking at the other jobs undone, half done or just waiting to be done.  
I er, think I need to listen to the wireless and cogitate to work up enthusiasm again...



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