Monday 25 March 2019

The Meeting

It started badly.
While I was there on time the main man was not.  A goodbye presentation at the same time reflecting his organisational powers.  The tables were surrounded by our lot, in my half asleep state (it was my siesta time after all) I hardly noticed some of them.  The top table was full of organised chaos awaiting those absurd questions that are not only out of place but sound as if they were replies from Theresa May.  
We waited.
People fiddled with pieces of paper, sipped drinks while the females had nothing to discussbut discussed it anyway.
We waited.
He began discussing local Mills, all gone bar one or two.  My eyes opened enough to acknowledge this point but failed to revive as Mills, flour mills that is, hold little interest for me.
We waited.
The one in charge glanced at the clock and she came to the conclusion we could get most things done and dusted quicker if we began now rather than wait any longer, otherwise he might join in.
She next to her began with comments re upcoming events she runs and the 'wonderful work of the volunteers without which nothing could be achieved.'  Meaning she wanted help with the events.
A few minutes past with the discussion which did not come across my path so I kept very quiet while they blethered on.  
Next Boss one gave a short mention to her ideas, none of which I remember for some reason.  The acoustics are poor and my hearing does not like them so I missed much of this so quietly slipped under the table unnoticed.  
Then a short discussion on upcoming events which I could not hear.  This was short and did not mention the big one nor me in any way, so I remained prone on the floor. 
We waited again.
She went to phone him and disappeared for a while.
We waited.
Convinced she had gone to cafe for coffee we waited.
Eventually she returned claiming he was on the way.
We waited.
I now had enough waiting and talk of mills, few spoke while I pondered on what one lass was scribbling down throughout the meeting.  Most of this did not involve her yet she has pages of notes, I merely had delirium tremors and began to see spiders on the ceiling.
He arrived and having sorted his paperwork began. 
The enlightening talk (he said) concerned the next five year plan.  For some reason I saw us all in Blue Military uniforms holding little red books in our hands, but that might have been just delirium again.
Page after page of the long term aims were presented all of which forgot one little thing, no money! On top of this there is the Brext effect and the dirty big hotel being built, probably from Autumn, opposite our site which will restrict visitors, hamper buses of schoolkids and merely line some councillors pockets, allegedly.  
The last redesign was magnificent but failed as George Osborn became Chancellor and brought in austerity for everyone bar himself.  Our money was cut then cut then cut, we now do it alone with a wee grant!
This plan may not arrive, if it does it will take five years to begin let alone finish.
Nevertheless the fact that none of this will happen in our lifetime did not stop questions being raised that may or may not be required in the distant future.
Sipping slowly on the quarter bottle of 'White horse' that I had brought for emergency I sat quietly muttering to myself as the discussion concerned what the Hall looked like 20 years ago or indeed what would happen if.....
I could take no more, I slipped into consciousness and slipped out the door and made my way to Tesco's where reality returned to me once more.
Tomorrow I have to go back to the museum and do it for real this time, I look forward to hearing peoples interesting comments re the meeting, I really do...

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