Sunday 3 March 2019


Today I rushed up to Sainsburys for buffet food.  My niece and her man were arriving on time, they said, so I considered it wise to shop while I could.
They arrived in town after the usual weekend fare on the railways, train so far and arrive early, bus so far, wait for train, then walk to house.  Naturally she who would walk without my guidance as she knew the way got lost. There are hardly any streets in this town and she went the wrong way! Women!
He of course did not know the way and she made use of Google Maps on her phone and got lost.
How nice to see them, it is rare to actually meet the family today (most are pleased with this) and hear the news.  Then after finding out information on him, a good man for her, I threw them out so they could get home before tomorrow.     
How strange to see family after so long, last time we met was her dads funeral a year ago.  What she has gone through since.  It reminds me I must head north at some time this year, once I stop coughing, and see the ageing family up there.  This of course might be difficult as my bus pass only takes me to the border, from then on I'd have to walk the rest of the way or pay... I had better check my shoes.
Now, in spite of missing the football (He at least has the decency to support Burnley) I enjoyed my day with human beings.  I might do this again one day.
The thing is I am glad I have this family.  Too many families I see are broken up, have serious faults and do not get on with one another.  This is annoying.  I am grateful when looking at my parents, many of their ideas, the siblings and their brats and am happy with them even though one or two require  good slap now and again.  It would be terrible to come from a family that would fit into 'Eastenders.' 

I wonder if they are home yet...


  1. By heading north do you mean Auld Reekie? If so, let me know and you can buy me a pint...

  2. I'm glad you have good feelings about your must fed them!

  3. Now that would be a good blog post about travelling to the border on your bus pass, I wonder how long it would take? Glad you enjoyed your day.

  4. Mike, You will be the ...hold on what happened to my wallet...I've lost it?

    Fly, Hmmm I am living on the remains all week.

    Dave, I would like to try that or something similar.

  5. Oh there is a lot to be said for family, even if some of them are better kept at a certain distance from time to time! I'm glad the visit was nice. I llove the photo at the end, just about sums up some dogs I know.

  6. Jenny, You are right about family, good ones can be useful.


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