Tuesday 5 February 2019

Weary Busy Tuesday

Tired and weary as I was I threw aside the ageing army blankets (what does 'WD' stand for?), clambered out of bed and headed to the museum.  Once there, when they eventually opened the door, I found I was to be confronted with 90 children in the shop (not all at once).  This usually requires two people but my friend and colleague was taken from me and replaced with another, a wrong other!  I was not pleased.  Some folks you find difficult, when tired, busy and not in the mood I was not best pleased to be lumbered today.  
Then of course when we tried to use the till it would not work!  Nothing moved it, nothing made it let us ring up items.  The first ten kids stood there somewhat confused but sort of content.  Good job they could not hear me when underneath the desk.  Eventually after scrambling abut underneath I pulled the plug out and then replaced it, a very old tactic which worked!  
By leave time I had seen off 60 kids with teachers most of whom were very good indeed.  One small group of 10 year old boys did look as if they were trouble and they did not have a proper teacher accompanying them just a 'helper.'  After they ran off to have lunch I found the taps in the boys loo left on running at full volume.  I wonder what else they managed before they left?  I suspect they nicked something also but not sure enough to mention it.
So irked I slept and now wish to sleep again while watching football again.


  1. There are times when leaving the bed is a very bad idea....you can bet money on it that that will be a day when electricalities don't work and people will be uncooperative.
    Our visitors have departed for round two of their trip....we are fanning ourselves and wondering why it takes us twenty minutes to have breakfast alone and two hours when we have company...

  2. Army blankets, I remember those, they must be collectible now.

  3. Ah kids, they are our FUTURE! Makes you wonder and worry.

  4. Fly, Most days leaving bed is a bad idea for me. How lucky to have visitors to entertain you - even at breakfast!

    Dave, They used to be common, everybody had gray blankets in the house.

    Kay, Not my future, little horrors!


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