Thursday 21 February 2019

My Latest Fad!

I hobbled into Tesco today to obtain some of my latest fad - energy bix!  You see footballers and others eating such as these to give them energy and I doubted they really work.  However on Tuesday after standing about for hours in the museum and stumbling home worn out and weary I settled in my bed in the evening, having fed reasonably well, yet still feeling out of sorts.  I turned to a 'Maxi Muscle Promax' bar and within a short while I felt great!  That one was called 'Millionaires shortbread' for some reason but it was worth the £2:50 they overcharged me for it in Sainsburys.  
Sadly Tesco did not have these so I will try this lot.  If these work I will seek cheaper suppliers though I doubt they exist.  There is a warehouse full of these in the town, I worked there once, very badly and very slowly, but they will not sell them to me.  I suppose eating properly would help but one of these with coffee will enable me to make it through the day - probably...


  1. I read that as 'Carib Killer'...time for that cataract op...

  2. Fly, It might work that way out there...

  3. I thought Maxi Muscle Promax was a medical condition...

  4. Mike, It gave me one....


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