Wednesday 2 January 2019

The World Returns to Normal

With cars flashing past full of folks seeking Sainsburys and Tesco, the sun occasionally peeping out from the light gray clouds that cover the earth, the washing now drying over the heaters and mums everywhere desperate for tomorrow and the last of the kids are forced back to school, life returns to a normal state of chaos.  Worrying about Brexit is the national obsession while worrying about schools, shops, football, other peoples private lives, TV soaps, and losing weight are the obsessions of the man in the street, well the women mostly.  Christmas has gone, many presents broken or now on e-bay and while Scotland watches the whisky sales continue in pubs and clubs England has the usual after-break hangover, depressed people in work making mistakes and wishing they were back home.  I have just sat here writing or thinking about writing emails while the laundry rumbled in the background and my stomach rumbled in front of me.  Too much 'Black Bun' I think.  Over the road I note Spring is getting impatient and already the Daffodils are beginning to sprout, earlier than last year I think.  Just in time for the frost and bleak cold chill from the east these flowers begin to show.  Could this be global warming or is this normal for Daffs?  We might soon see yellow blossoms in spite of the weather.   


  1. Very optimistic, daffs....

  2. Fly, Just like me....

  3. I don't want to see daffs in January again, they were there a couple of years ago and it didn't seem at all right! Happy new year to you, though, daffs or not.

  4. Jenny, Happy new year also to you. A bit unseasonal but maybe we will be like the Med soon!


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